Saturday, December 31, 2016

Eve of 2017

I bless all of you my reader of my blog a blessed Year ahead and may everything you do will prosper!!! Amen Amen!!!

I am happy to step into 2017 and has high expectation on what is the theme for the year to be revealed by Pastor Prince tomorrow. Amen Amen!!!

2 months had passed and I just left 10 more months to wait upon the Lord for my blessings to be pour on me. Amen Amen!!!

I am also looking for a new job and wish that I will be successful in it.

Lord has greatly promised me to bring the blessing through. I believe this round he will be truly bring to me. He will not let me wait for another year. Amen Amen!!!

Thank God that when I fully manifest in the healing ministry there is renewal of youth for me and for all children of the Lord. I need not face an old me and an old next man for the coming years.

Lord promised to renew our youth. Amen Amen!!!

It is good to step into 2017 going to church!!!

Even the Chinese New Year is fallen in the weekends on 29th Jan 2017, that I need not bother about reunion dinner as Friday is a working day for me if I still in existing job. Amen Amen!!!

Abba Father promise me to bring the blessing through and it shall be. Amen Amen!!!

I look forward to a bright future!!! Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Eve

Today is Christmas Eve, I wish you, my reader of this blog a Blessed Christmas and an Abundance Year ahead for 2017!!!

As I stepping into 2017, it's another year of waiting for the Blessing to be Fulfilled. Amen Amen!!!

Recently met my counsellor and she wanted me to write down my commitment for the year.

If Lord don't bring the Blessing through, I will have to get a 2nd hand flat. And I commited to it with a view that Lord will bring the Blessing through and I need not buy the 2nd flat. Amen Amen!!!

I am already 48, even though Lord could renew my youth, I don't want to wait for another year to come by. I want this 2017 to be a year of fulfillment. This is my blessed hope!!! Amen Amen!!!

New Creation Church Christmas service was so fully booked many people are coming for the service.

I know Vision Sunday will not be any lesser. Amen Amen!!!!

I hope that I could get 2 seats for next Sunday.

Life here is still as usual.

In this quietness of the seasons, I hope the Blessing will come with a Big Bang for me that I will be joyful of it. Amen Amen!!!

I hope I could get a new job that pays a better income for me. Amen Amen!!!

Glory Glory!!! Unexpected 2 unsaved souls are following me to church for the Christmas service!!! This comes as they want to attend Christmas held in different churches.

Abba Father told me they will be saved. Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Christmas Season

Yesterday the center here celebrated Christmas.

I attended the morning events but wasn't around for the big draw. So no idea if my name was drawn as one only get a prize if one is around. 

My closed friend invited me to her home for a spring roll making and eating event on Christmas but since I attend my service in the morning, I have a few hours to spare before her dinner event. 

She invited me to attend her afternoon church with her family. 

So I will be going to 2 churches on Christmas day!!!

My work pants got acid stains from a pillow someone washing and my center mates took it out and put on top of my washing machine. My clothes was done but I didn't rinse them again and thus the acid created a few big dots of discolour. 

I prayed to Lord to restore my pants but Lord refused so now I left 3 pairs of pants to go around the week. Hiazz!!!

My counselor seen to have let me off from buying an appartment after she realized I was a 2nd timer and thus not qualified to buy the new appartment. 

I am meeting her on Monday and she only wants updates from my end. 

Now that ex is out of job and stop giving me my alimony since November, I am running short of money and eating into my savings. 

I prayed to Lord that he has God Favour in the eyes of employer so that he can pay me soon. 

With Lord's Blessing delay, I am lacking instead of Abundance. Amen Amen!

But thanks God time run faster nowadays that week by week past by fast enough and soon it will be 2017!!!

In the bible, the Passover is the Israeli new seasons and Ras Hashana is the following season. Not like the current Jewish Calendar that put Ras Hashana as the new season!

So the blessing fall into the same year as the Passover and not separate into another year! Amen Amen!!!

Hopefully this is the last round of waiting for the blessing as the Lord proclaimed to me. And not His Leading me for another empty wait.

Chinese New Year is just a couple months away. I am facing another round of siblings rejection to host me as they have their own commitments. 

I long to have my own family so that Reunion Dinner is not so lonely. But my friend has offered to host me again this year if I have nowhere to go. So nice of her!!!

The 2 men given to me to choose the more I think the more I find the new man is more attractive to me. 

As I been through 10 years of life with ex and I know the result of choosing him. It's pain and heartache to recall them; the daily celebrations of life events. 

The rich only wants to marry to the rich as I have seen in Korea TV series is still holds in Singapore setting. 

Lord told me that when He blesses me and my status become rich, then I can match the rich for the rich. And thus he only can come to me in my new status.

All is fairytale till the day Blessing approaches me. Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Sun rise Sun fall

Sun rises Sun falls, time flies and it's a brand new day.

Abba Father uses the Great I Am name to Honour His Promise to me of the Great Blessing will come next Oct 2017.

He never uses this Name before in my meditation except nowasday.

My audience highest read had changedfrom USA to Singapore to now Russia and Poland.

The walk of this blog has to be by faith and not by sight. It is all about a Promise Lord promises as He is rising me up from nobody to be somebody. Amen Amen!!!

Now is already December and another 10 months more to wait.

Lord Honour His Word as I am on Leviticus meditating on the Feast of Sukkot and on the Jubilee.

He comes on strongly to confirm His Promise using the Name of I Am and the Almighty God!!! Amen Amen!!!

To Moses the Name of I AM that I AM did Great Miracles but in present days the Name of Jesus has replaced it as important in our life.

But Lord is creating miracle again using the Name of I AM and Lord Jesus!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

Over the whole wide world of Christians, Lord chooses me to do Great Miracles. I am Honored!!! Amen Amen!!!

This is the End Time Miracles to bring many souls back to JESUS. Amen Amen!!!

Glory Glory!!!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

My First Aunt

This week my aunt whom is my mum's eldest brother's wife passed away and I attended the wake on Wednesday.

From my cousin description of the last moment of my aunt death, it's a great different from my parents peaceful sleep.

She did not accept Christ so this is her 1st death and her soul taken by the devil.

Her eyes were widely open and so was her mouth. She has needle poking into every parts of her body from the neck down.

I believe in retribution in that if a person has good personality his/her death will be peaceful.

My aunt has pretty strong character, eg, we were joking about a rabbit drawn by my 2nd sis and my aunt, who was washing her laundry nearby donkey years ago, was angry with my mum over this misunderstanding for many years.

She only decided to talk to my mum after my grandma death donkey years ago.

While my parents practised forgiveness to all even though they might be in the right and never find fault.

Even in Christ, my 3rd aunt from father's side also did not sleep peacefully. She also a bit mean kind of person.

So even when one who is in Christ or not. Leading a forgiving life is important. It leads to a peaceful death or not. Even though one who accept Christ will go to heaven. And one who didn't accept Christ goes to hell.

The journey of our life we can walk all we want but the effect of death where one cannot control will show how well one walk ones life.

Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

This and That

I just meditated on Leviticus 18 and Lord described clearly whom one cannot have sex with so clearly in this bible of mine that is written in plain English amen amen.

Those who did it is vomited out of their land. Amen Amen!!!

I am just waiting for the right man to come along before I am open in this area. I am not one who fool around with any guys that come.

Surely this blessing will bring the right man to be with me. I am just waiting for the manifestation of the blessing that Lord promised coming October will be the set month. Amen Amen!!!

My counselor has not call me to go HDB after she went there with some ladies, whom are 1st timer and were able to apply for the Flexi two room flat for singles.

Too bad I applied once for that marital flat that gone to my ex and only resale flat are available to me. Otherwise, I need to find a man marriageable whom is 1st timer for the Flexi flat or buy the more room flat by forming a family to meet the criteria.

Lord promised I will have the Blessed Home to shift to next October. Amen Amen!!!

Life is as usual day in day out but with ex's alimony payment, my saving is not much to talk about.

Only Lord can change my life for the better. By then I will live on the blessing and do His Healing job and life will be fulfilling. Amen Amen!!!

As usual, I am waiting for the next October to come by. It's another month by month waiting.

Nobody is keen to talk about the blessing as hope has been dashed. Only I whom Lord has restored my confidence in Him are still talking.

He must bring it through for JESUS goodness to manifest in healing. So the question is not a 'yes' or 'no' but a 'when will it be'.

What I hope for is Lord will not trick me again but release His Blessing to me so that my new life can move on.

And you, who make an effort to let me know about your existence, are you also waiting faithfully? I hope so! Amen Amen!!!

I have no choice but to wait. Hope you are too.

The sweetness of your wait will be making you a billionaire! You surely will be happy. Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Year of Jubilee

2017 is the Year of Jubilee and the 70th year of Israel coming back to the Jew in 1947.

I am more convinced now about Lord will bless me as Year of Jubilee means return to freedom and be restored to former Glory.

As you know, generations ago, my family tree comes from very rich family to now not doing that well.

So logically, for Lord to restore me and my siblings is the right move of the Blessing of Abraham. This is a much more restoration of Him to me. Amen Amen!!!

At least my heart now trust the Lord for the season of restoration. Amen Amen!!!

Abba Father finally managed to convince me to wait for the coming October!!! Amen Amen!!!

He said my Next man is still waiting for me. This sounds good to me!!!

But, my Boas is the Lord and not the next man. For by then I will be richer than him.

The journey with the Lord takes a long time. Only thing comforting is He brings the Blessing of Abraham to me that makes me rejoice in Him.

Life now is not so good as ex is out of job and he stops giving me the alimony.

My work still managed to cover my cost. So I am not so worry. Amen Amen!!!

The economy is getting bad! My second sis left her company due to changed of management and lots of retrenchment and now the management changed again and brother-in-law also thinking of quitting.

And Su not so long ago wanted to borrow money from me.

All of us are waiting for the Manifestation of the Blessing of Abraham to lead us out of the lacks.

Recently heard the Malaysia ringgit has fallen much.

Newly selected US president, Triump, wants countries, where US army is stationed, to pay for the cost of keeping the army there.

The world is heading towards lack of money.

So the Year of Jubilee is good in Restoration from all the lacks.

I eagerly waiting for Lord to manifest in the darkness of the world.

Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Just a Chat

Looking ahead, just a few months time, will be Christmas and then the Chinese New Year.

As usual, I will have no where to go for my reunion dinner but my close friend, whom had invited me to join her family for the reunion dinner, is inviting me again for next year.

A friend indeed is a friend in need. I appreciate her caring nature even though her family is not well to do.

Initially, I had rejected her thinking of if I received the blessing of Abraham, I could celebrate with the next man. But with the delay, everything is back to square 1!!!

Lord promise that the coming year is the final wait. I hope so it is.

Otherwise, even the calling to be a Healer I will be doubtful. As the waiting time is far too long.

I wonder if next man, who show so much actions in 2013 and 2014, is still keen in me. This long wait from 2008 till now is a very long wait for him indeed.

Even I also start waiver and I wonder if he has gone away like those who keen in keep tab with me.

Even my counsellor, whom is keen to know the blessing, proclaimed that I can go on year by year waiting. Just like I previously did so.

I trust in the bible calculated day of manifestation so much. It said 2017 is the year of manifestation, just that the fall seasons were in 2016.

Jerusalem coming back to Israel, will be 50 years in 2017 but in jewish calendar, it's the year 5777.

If my blessing really come next year, it will be Jewish calendar, 5778. For their new year starts with the fall seasons. Amen Amen!

But for the year, it is still 2017.

I know logic is not involved in Lord's Timming but His manifestation has it own logic.

I give up linking the logic but 2017 is the bible calculated date and if Lord manifest, I will be happy, else I have nothing to hold on any longer. This is why my patience is running thin and it is harder for Lord to convince me.

He can swear by His Throne or use the name I Am to try to convince me but I really don't know if I should still believe him.

He said 2017 is JESUS manifestation and I choose to believe Him again.

Even though getting the blessing and JESUS manifestation is the same process. This is the first time Lord used this to convince me and I trust Him will not use JESUS manifestation as a joke.

Otherwise, I don't know what to believe Him as I don't want to receive my blessing at 10 years of waiting, calculating from the day I started coming really close to Him, reading the bible.

I have since finished reading the bible and meditate verse by verse 1 round. I am doing a 2nd round of meditation.

If I get blessed next fall and meet the next man it will be a double bonus to me.

Will it be another fairytale or reality come through, I will have to wait till next fall to see. Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

HDB Application

With the blessing of Abraham being delays another year, my counsellor goes into disbelieve and is pushing me to apply for new 2 room apartment BTO.

I have called HDB a few times and the answer is always the same;

I am a 2nd timer as the marital home is considered my first application.

The single rule for the 2 room Flexi Flat only allows for 1st time single to apply.

Only way for me to buy is the resale market and it is expensive.

I hope my counsellor will allow me to wait one more year for the blessing to come to past.

And I hope it is the final wait for me. For my patience run low is another empty promise.

This is the date calculated by somebody through the bible timeline.

After 2017, I would not have anything to hold on.

After all, 2017 is the year of calculated Jubilee. It is Israel 50th year and also is Matin Luther 50th year of Refirmation.

It is a good year for the Lord to manifest.

Lord, I hope the Your Word through the meditation is real this round! I can't take another 'No' from You. Enough is enough. Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Shepherd boy

Previously when Pastor Prince was preaching 4 services in Rock, some of his 4th service were more anointed and one don't know which service is most anointed and thus need to buy his sermon CD to listen. 

Nowadays he preached 1 or at most 2 service, the other 2 services just watch the video replay of earlier service. Nothing extra reveal from the Lord and thus boring to listen to same old thing.

Lord in my meditation mentioned him not his shepherd boy as he missed attending 50-75% of his sheeps. 

Attending same service through video at least Lord could still speak to His People when needed. Through earlier video, Lord don't know if whom he wants to speak to is attending the service and unable to speak to them. 

Lord is unhappy with this arrangement. It's one thing getting the best of the 4 services to show overseas or to sell as CDs and just from 1-2 service and sell the CDs. 

I used to record his sermons but not doing so anymore as I don't listen to them anyway. His sermon lacks the freshness that bring joy to the soul.

Lord is unhappy and thus not blessing him the sales revenue. He should have get his salary and continue 4 services. He previously commented Lord gave him strength that after 4 services he still had more energy to carry on. 

There are more unhappiness of him but Lord just let me reveal this on the blog. The rest will reveal to him on NCC blessed day. Amen Amen! 

For he is not the highest blessed among the 5 pastors Lord wants to bless!

Interestingly Lord reveal 3 pastors not called by Him, no wonder 1 of the 3 gave wrong advice to Su and her husband previously!

I now know why only 2 male pastors being blessed because among the original group of pastors; 3 not called, 1 too proud, 1 disobey and 1 not close to the Lord. 

Among the female pastors; 2 are in the blessed list even before they become pastors! Amen Amen!

Finish Line

Lord used the Amazing Race to console me over not getting the blessing this October. He said this is a pit stop and next October is the Finish Line.

I know next year Israel will be 50 years old and 50 is the Year of Jubilee where all are set free from all set backs.

I know Pastor Prince is invited to Gemany to preach because it is Martins Luther 50 year of Refirmation.

Hopefully I will not be disappointed again.

I will start my application of HDB flat in November. My consultant pushing me to apply. I have no choice but to apply as the policy here in this center is pushing us out; not letting us stay here to long.

Regarding next man, I see no more action from him, probably he has given up waiting.

After all, he leads me and ex to divorce in 2009 and first appeared to me in 2012.

Then, he did some actions in 2013 and appear again in 2014.

After that no more actions from him. Maybe he has given up like the rest. I don't know!

If so, it's another fairytale that never fulfilled.

By right, going back to ex is the right thing to do just that, Lord all these years have been saying how matching next man and me are that leads me keen in knowing him.

For ex, I am the only lady he ever married to. He is not marrying again with any other ladies.

Just that his time with the PC is too much that there is not any family life with him. It's loneliness in marriage not like the normal married life for his parent divoce when he was 5, and he never learn about family life. His 2 elder brothers share the same traits.

I'm looking for a guy that could give me normal married life.

That's why I am attracted to Lord description of the next man that match me so much.

He should have understand me fully by my post. That is why he did those acts to let me know his existence.

If he still waits for me, that will be good.

Otherwise, I will need Lord to change ex to be more caring instead of facing the PC and I have to submit to his way of life.

Life here is about waiting for the manifestation of Lord for His Glory to shine High. His Coming only God, the Father knows. Only then will I be fully blessed. It's not about the Festival but He has yet to fulfill His Fall Seasons. Which fall season I will not know. I will need to trust what Lord told me and my part is to Just Believe.

The environment has to be dark enough for His Light to shine. So how dark is dark enough only Lord will know. Amen Amen!!!

Sunday, October 23, 2016


I did not receive the blessing of Abraham. It's another fairytale of the Lord.

To wait for next year Jewish New Year, it's another year older.

Next Man, are you sure that you want to wait with me?

For me, I have no choice but to wait. From 38 to now 48, even though no matter how old I get, under the renew my youth like an eagle, Lord can renew my youth by then!

Are you sure you want to wait with me? You will be another year older too.

Or you have given up by now. If so, maybe I should consider ex again.

I know Lord's plan sure come to past, especially it's about JESUS manifestation. Just that the climate is not dark enough for His coming back yet!

I did know when Lord called me in 2006, He would take that long to manifest.

All that believe this calling with me has gone into disbelieve. I am being called so no choice I have to wait. I know JESUS will manifest but don't know when will it be.

Next man, if you wait with me, I will surely choose you over ex as I know ex is too self centered.

I know him to well to don't want him. If I ever choose him, it for Jc sake but Jc get used to the divorce that she don't bother much now.

Anyway, Lord disturbed his plan for me and I am upset. 

Saturday, October 22, 2016

The 3rd Sunday of Resurrection

I don't know if Lord really mean it or He is pulling my legs.

The coming Sunday is the 3rd time I am waiting for His Manifestation. Amen Amen!!!

This blessing to NCC is a Tall Order as Lord wants me to speak some sense to Pastor Prince since he has moved away from Lord much.

He is going to other congregation to preach again. Leaving his sheeps to his trusted instead.

Recently he said the congregation by taping the sermon, it deprives him of his pay.

But if the Lord wants to bless him, there is not necessary to speak to the congregation but by trusting the Lord, He will bring it forth.

He even set up week night preaching for his trusted to preach instead.

The church even asked people to turn up! Previous when he is trusting the Lord much, there is no need to ask the congregation to come as Lord gave the word and places were filled up and there wasn't need to ask people to attend at all.

He should not ask for no salary from church since he faced financial problem.

His slacking from preaching can be seen from his similiar preaching that don't bring much joy listening.

Only by blessing him much has the opportunity to talk much grains into him. Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, October 15, 2016


Coming Monday will be the Festival of Ingathering, Succot!

I left this Sunday to expect Lord to bring His Blessing to me.

If He still doesn't, I don't know what more to expect.

If He really bring, then my 10 years of waiting is finally come to an end.

I checked my record of Prime Minister's Office and realise it is at Istana; I always thought it was in the PMO building that I ever worked in there!

Let see how it turn out if I ever call to bring the blessing to bless the government! I never done so and don't know what to expect.

I do wonder if the Next Man is able to be there. If he miss the chance, it really like fairytale that never happen for reality.

Then I will only left 1 choice instead of 2.

I don't know how things will turn out.

Of course I know all that Lord told me but it might be fairytale if it doesn't happen in real life.

Of course I am hoping for the best. Amen Amen.

Lord reveals my weight will reduce to 53kg. I will be glad as that is the weight I had in My youth.

Another area Lord reveals my body and teeth and gum will be renewed.

I will be glad! Amen Amen!!!

Whether I am blessed or not, will not just affect me but the budget tight of Singapore and Israel government and the various people around me.

My counsellor hopes not to work any more if I bless her. It also depends how much she save for a retirement plan.

Beside the Government getting lots due to countries expenses, the rest get depends of the blood related and closeness to me. And the youth will not get much due to their youth. They live under their parents blessing.

The Next Man and ex will receive same amount as both are part of my life. Amen Amen!!!

I do hope things turn out as they should so that all would be happy. Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Blessing of Abraham

As according to my meditation, my blessing of Abraham is going to Realise soon.

So Next Man be alert on my call to PMO contact line listed on the website. I am keen to meet you. If you take this opportunity to meet me, I will be glad.

My close friend from SCC has decided not to come to SCC anymore. I feel a bit sad missing her.

But with the blessing, I am also going to discharge from here.

The first 2 days of my blessing will be busy with blessing PMO and blessing some of the people here with enough money to buy their HDB.

Also, I have to clear out my things for the discharge next day.

2nd day have the discharge to do and last day of my Sats Kitchen job. And call NCC to meet them for Blessing.

3rd day to bless NCC and meet up with Israel Ambassador.

Then it's about flying to Israel to bless their budget.

Then if Next Man goes with me, can then have sight seeing for a couple of days before flying back home.

Hopefully everything flow smoothly for me. Amen Amen!!!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Rosh Hashana

This evening 6pm, it's the start of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana. The year is 5777.

Pastor Prince commented from 1967 they get back Jerusalem, it's their 50th year. It leads me to think Jubilee year.

Time for my blessing to be realised.

Pastor Prince preached that for single Lord could bring a 7 fold partner. He also mentioned for the unfaithful husband can pray to Lord to build a hitch of protection on him and her to break the relationship.

Both quotes speaks to me as I could have the next man or take back ex.

This Abraham blessing will renew my youth and make me pretty again. Surely no women brought to ex can compare to Lord renewal power plus my richness ex heart will be moved.

It's only matter if next man still want to hide or come to the open to let me know him.

Lord speak so much good about him that made me keen to meet him. But I can't force him if he prefers to hide.

If he hides, what for do so much to break my marriage. Illogical!

After doing so much if he still hide, I feel he might as well never exit in my life.

However, if he turns up at PMO blessing, then he stands a chance to know me better.

Especially after the Israel trip, the relationship will get better! Then I can invite him to my housewarming as he is highly blessed too.

I leave it to him to decide if he keen to meet me alone. It about if you want me to talk to you or to your brothers too.

I don't have much time the first 2 days as I still need to submit my resignation and work another afternoon to fulfill the 1day notice. Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Meeting with my counsellor

Every month, a day is set to meet my counsellor and chat the happening or regards any updates.

She is keen to bring me at apply for HDB flat and told me someone here has been successful after 6 times of trying applying. It means she spent $60 for 6 times of trying.

I am not keen to go for the HDB each exercise of offering flats and pay $10 for each try of applying.

I hope Lord's promise of the Abraham Blessing will come in time.

My counsellor, Anita, is keen to see my blessing too. She responded if I invite her to the blessed home.

She even give me a dateline to update her on my Blessing on the 28/10/2016.

Today meditation Lord mention she is His Beloved Daughter and to bless her too!

I am sure she will be happy.

I surely have a busy week after the blessedness as I have to call PMO to arrange bringing the blessing to them, I also have to resign from my current work.

Then I have to call church to arrange blessing them.

Then I have to pack up and to be discharge from this centre.

Then I have to contact Israel embassy to arrange bringing the blessing to Israel.

Then go Israel for a couple of days, depending if next man wants some sights seeing.

On return, I have to prepare for house warming to invite my siblings and ex and daughter to my house to bless them.

And I hopefully next man will go Israel with me as I don't like to go there alone.

Hopefully everything will flow smoothly. Amen Amen!!!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Today's Sermon

Today's Sermon sounded the Ram's Horn as it proclaimed the Finished Work of Christ JESUS and my Abraham Blessing is reaching as I step into October.

Upon receiving the blessing, the first people to bless is PMO. As I have no clue who and how to bring this blessing to the government of Singapore, I will call the PMO contact no. given on the PMO website to enquire who to and how to bring the blessing to.

Next man, if you keen to know me personally, be there to receive me. We can start being friend first.

Also, as you work in the government service, I like to invite you to accompany me to bless Israel government. Have you accompanying me is better then this clueless lady only meeting the Head of the Government. Hope you will agree!

The sermon talked about the healing of a blind beggar, it means my healing will begin soon!!!!

All these years of waiting I have not been so anxious before. It's a new life I am stepping into. Hope the process will be smooth. Amen Amen!!!!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

My sister, Su

My younger sister, Su, faced money problem again.

I never understand how she could gather so much debts that no matter how much my mum had given to us as inheritent, just a few months later, she is borrowing from me again.

She commented her house and her son university hostel stay are taxing her.

Her husband is just about to start work means he is living on my mum's money all these while.

100k is not a small amount to have and yet they could spend it so fast, within months.

One worry I have on her is, whatever Lord is blessing her, will she finish spending in no time. This is my worry about her and her husband.

They have eyes for fashion and expensive taste but the husband depends on Su to bring home the bacons.

He never could stay on a job for and always complaining about discomfort at work. He has a high ego also prevent him to take scolding by boss. He has attitude problem.

I know with Lord's blessing, he can just spend and don't work but what I worry is he over spend on the unnecessary things.

They really need the wisdom from Lord on how to keep for future needs. Amen Amen!!!!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

2015 to 2016

Last week, while Paster Prince was preaching about the children of Israel has been under law for 1500 years,

Lord let me realised my blessing I waited till 2015.

After 1500 years of law, then Grace and Truth come via JESUS.

That means my blessing of Abraham coming this year as the Lord keep telling me through meditation.

I do hope it's the truth else my counsellor going to bring me to apply for flat in November.

The world is getting darker. Many people being cursed with mental illness and that's not good at all.

I do hope the healing power of The Lord can cure everyone of their illnesses.

Work wise I am busy by the late add on of duty that I must do. It affects my going home time.

I hope that they don't add new task for me to do so late in time!

Otherwise, I am okay with the job. Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

The latest Development

Nowadays, I am tired and need to take naps.

Don't know if this is the deteriorating of me due to the curse.

With Lord blessing approaching soon, I wish the day will come by fast so that I can be set free of all these curse.

This new work is pretty easy to do. I managed to stand 4 hours doing the task! Amen Amen!!!

There is this guy that brings drinks to me daily. I am grateful to him. 

He asked for my age just a couple of days ago. He just 32, while I'm already 48. 

Time flies just waiting upon the Lord. 

I am always reminded the next man is waiting for me. Whenever I find man being good to me. 

All that he had done in 2013-2014 left a great impression on me that reminded me to wait upon him. I  don't know how it will turn out eventually. 

What he had done to ex also reminded me no point to run away from him. 

I don't know if all that happened between ex and me, was it all his job.

All that happen is something that I need to clear with him eventually.

It's for a closure on my end for all happening were too close and linked together as seen by me. 

Hope he could enlighten me on them all. 

As all that happened cannot be brushed away as coincidence.

If anything he going to start with me, this closure is necessary. 

For me to have a peace of mind.  Amen Amen. 

Saturday, September 3, 2016

A month closer

As we step into September, I am a month closer to the blessed month. Amen Amen!!!

Will The Next man step forward to meet me, it's all up to him.

One new man and the other the previous man, both I don't know if they are still keen. Maybe money will do the talking. Just that the motive is good or bad. Only Lord will know.

I am have started a part time job at the moment to please my counsellor that I should be independent and eventually have the money to buy a new flat and move out of this center. Amen Amen!!!

My counsellor discussed with me the discharge plan. They are pushing us out to be independent of them.

God blessed I have the Lord Abraham blessing to fall back that I shall not be in the wilderness. Even though I have the means to buy a new flat.

Abba Father, I pray that your blessing of Abraham will be real this time and deliver me out from the center who want me to get my own flat by my own ability. I call upon your Name and you said You will deliver me and Honour me. I pray in the Name of Jesus. Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Just a chat

A great man, Mr Nathan, had just passed on a few days. But as I did not read the news often, I only knew after he was gone and did not pray anything for him.

Yesterday evening I was off work at 4:30pm and managed to catch on TV the final moments before he was cremated.

Frankly I don't know much of him.

He came on the scene when I had wrong opinion of the government and had not paid much attention all the happening in politics.

I had since changed my opinion of the government and are positive now.

August has run fast and soon is going to be the final week of August.

I am looking forward to October and to the Jewish New Year, 5777.

Hopefully Lord will not upset me this time, so that it's time of my rising up to do His Job in the renewal of youth self.

I also hope that I will meet face to face the next man of my life. Hope he don't mind that I have been to IMH.

The renewal of youth will fully restore me to perfect healthy and beautiful and young again girl.

My dental appointment keep on postpone twice. Maybe Lord will restore my front tooth and need not visit the dentist anymore!!! Amen Amen!!!

Recently, I met Pearly, my poly days classmate. She looked aged and I almost couldn't recognised her.

Time flies, we have known each other for 24 years!!!

She could still remember me!!!! That shows that I have not age much!!! Recently someone told me I looked like in 30s!!!! Amen Amen!!!

Thank You, Lord for keeping me young!!! Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

My future

Looking at the crowd that come for Joseph Schooling, I can't help thinking in future when Lord come in me fully with the youth renewal and all areas of abnormal becomes normal again aka sickness become healthy again.

This movement will generate more people rushing for it and hopefully I won't be so popular that the public place become inaccessible because of the crowd.

I just can't imagine; especially reading about JESUS in the bible had a strong crowd following him.

Whoever becomes my man, I do hope he is strong enough to protect me. ;)

Now already in August, just left 1 1/2 to 2 months more before Lord fully manifest in me. Hope this time is really the time. I have waited 10 yrs now!

My first stop of blessing is PMO.

Hopefully the man-to-be will be there to introduce himself to me. This is the only chance as I can't forsee where else could he come forward to meet me.

Hopefully he is brave enough to come alone for him to know me personally.

I would call PMO contact no. to know how to bring the blessing to the government. With such a large amount, I guess PM LHL will receive the blessing for the budget and for whatever that were lost in the Their investment that cannot be recovered.

If I get to know the next man, I will invite him to go with me to the blessed country to bless their government too.

He should know how to present myself to the other government more than I do and if he go with me, I would not be so lonely.

I can't imagine ex going with me as he always push the responsibility of things not involved himself for me to do alone. That's why life with him is so lonely that it's far too cold for a good relationship.

I have good expectation that the new man if he really love me, he will support me so that I will not be lonely no more.

I do hope so...

That's why I give more weightage to the new than the old. It's a brand new life I am looking forward to.

But if he hides in the dark, I will be very disappointed and I will take it as a joke that they played on me just for fun. But it's too much an effort to be done as a joke.

Who knows, he might change his mind after I been to IMH for they thought I was into suicidal.

Whatever it is or how my future will be, I leave it to Lord to bring it through. Amen Amen!

Saturday, August 13, 2016


I pray in agreement prayer with Schooling and his parents for him to be the fastest swimmer in the 100m butterfly and truly this morning, he not only win but created a Olympic record!!!

Lord Jesus is amazingly good and it stunned the world.

Too bad I miss him in action.

He is also from New Creation Church and Lord prosper him in sport. Just looks at his chest, his chest is huge, means can generate more oxygen.

Commentator said his reaction time is faster as compared to others!!!!

Glory to Lord Jesus who abundantly answered the prayer. Amen Amen!!!

The power of more than 1 praying together works great wonders!!!

I read he was ahead of the rest in the pool and increase the length different after the turn. Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Church Wedding

This morning went for a church wedding, my very first witness of a wedding conducted the Christian way.

It is the marriage between Jc's Dare group leader and his assistant helper.

I saw this helper, HS, have a secret admirer a few years back and told her about it. When she showed her detest of that young man, an idea floated in me that don't tell me she likes the leader. They do have the couple lookalike.

And over time, love developed and today is their becoming one in the Lord.

She did admired him as she confessed her thought that whoever be this leader's wife is so blessed and she became the one.

They admitted it's weekly working together in the Lord that brought them together. Amen Amen!!!

Now is August, in one month plus my life will be transform. I hope by then I will meet the man in the secret, so that I can have my own love story to write.

If he did not come forth, I would be disappointed for he gave so much hints and if he dare not stand out, all his efforts will be in vain.

There is no ill feeling between me and ex but I like to give this new man a try.

After all, Lord promoted him a lot to me, telling me how happy I will be with this new man.

Ex after moulded down by so many woman, he is a tone down man. I guess he is better than previously so worth a try too.

Only area not to my satisfaction is his sexual preference.

Why I want to give the secret man a try is also Lord said that our sexual preference match.

Besides, Lord also said that he has love me a long time. How long a time I will have to check with him.

For young time, there is a kid that loved to peek at us. Why this kid liked to peek at us I don't know. It so long ago, when I was 5-6 years old then.

Anyway, time will tells, when the truth is out.

I will have catch up to do for he knows me by this blog while I know nothing about him.

Let see what the future holds for me. Between the 2, who will I choose.

His age will not be an issue under the youth renewal of the Lord. Amen Amen!!! 

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Garden By The Bay

I went to the above attraction with my center people as they organized a trip there!

The flowers were many and pretty! I took a few photos in there.

However, as I did not apply any sun block lotion, I have a pretty bad sun burnt. The redness still around today.

But the place is worth going.

I have applied a few administration job but no news. The reception job at the center is the only job available but my heart is only waiting for Lord's Healing to start.

This will only start after the blessing of Abraham. Amen Amen!!!

August is beginning soon that means I only have a couple more months to wait.

I pray the next period for HDB flat application will be long after the blessing so that I will not waste any money applying. Amen Amen!!!

And I pray the next man will come to meet me on PMO blessing day so that I will know who this mystery man is. Amen Amen!!!!

But if he did not appear, let it just be a joke from them and I will forget such a man exsists.

I will renew in youth on blessed day so this old age look that the cursing molded on me will be gone forever!!!

I am looking forward to the Blessed Day! Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

The Man To Be

Previously, I was tested many times by the testers to check my loyalty to the government of Singapore. I thought that was all.

Lord in Meditation revealed that in my ignorance of official manners when bringing the blessing to the blessed land, I might invite him to accompany me as I don't want to go alone.

He will observe my private behaviour with him to see if it match his expectation. Lord said that he is a careful man due to his work nature!!!

Seems to me I am taking a test even in a relationship is just a bit too much!!! The Afraid to lose mentality.

But one thing good is I just need to be myself will be good enough. That's what the Lord had assured me.

Currently, he is as quiet as a church mouse; so I don't know if I am just talking to nobody in particular.

Anyway, when time to bless Singapore, I do hope he will be there. It's time for him to reveal himself or not at all forever.

Time will tell.

With a ex that said even when my blessing comes, he also does not want me to one that appear in hinting to disappear without any more hint.

Seem like I am just hitting the fly!!!

Anyway, I do wonder how will my appearance be in that renewal of youth???!!!

Time will tell!!! Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Blessing of Abraham

Previously, I learnt that when the blessed man was blessed, he made sure all his family members were blessed so that his parents can remain in peace.

Today, through meditation, I learn that not only each of my siblings will be blessed with wealth but they will renew in youth too.

And not just that my ex and my future man-to-be will be blessed in youth and wealth too.

And my off springs will be restore to good. Jc school results will be improve. Amen Amen!!!

And through my healing ministry, all my brothers and sisters in Christ will have the renewal of youth too!!! Amen Amen!!!

This is the Goodness of the Blessing of Abraham!!! Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

My Good Friend 2

My good friend said her mum has quitted her hospital out source job to work in another company.

Her mum is already 70+yrs old and complained that her strength is not as strong.

I felt pity for her mum as at 70+ yrs old she still must slog through life as her 2 children both mentally cannot do a proper job and thus not earning much. Both still depend on their mum.

I want to bless her earlier when I get my blessing but my friend console me that she still have the CDC help. The little she has but she is not worrying!

Her flat area has people distributing food and lunch in the centre is included in the Day Care service she is on. Sometimes she has $1-2 with her, sometimes she has none. But she is ok with it.

She said she is spendthrift and the mum is controlling her expenditure!!!!

Through some servey, she got some food coupon for a $2 burger and a packet of drink. She shared half the burger with me and gave the drink to another friend whom father is bedridden and she said this friend is very pity and thus she didn't take the drink but gave to her.

She always so kind hearted!

She also find me pity for did't have a place to go to as none of my siblings wanted me. They all claimed no room as their teens need a room each.

I like her simple thinking. That's why she is a nice friend to have. Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

A Doctor

As my counsellor thought my cursed life was just a mentor delusion or whatsoever, the 2nd man in this centre decided that I should have one doctor and a senior only that come to the centre instead of I go IMH for the review.

This doctor agree with me those curses are real. But he said bible didn't have such a person that kept receiving the curse.

I told him that when sin abounds Grace super abounds. Each time I pray Grace super abounds.

He kept on arguing if I have great faith then Paul.

He wanted me to see an eyes specialist to get my eyes checked for the bright light I mentioned in one of the record detail of what I had suffered. He refused to accept it's once off experience; he said it is the symptoms of a certain eyes problem that might lead to blindness.

I went polyclinic to get a reference letter but was not given one.

This morning meditation Lord told me no need to go to check.

I am only wonder if the doctor will insist the next time I meet him.

Or should I spend the 100s of dollars just to prove my eyes is ok.


Saturday, June 25, 2016

A Depressing Lady

I recently met a depressed lady, her outlooks since young were bad.

She said people she knew shouted at her, home was unbearable that she chosen marriage to escape from home but mother-in-law shouted at her. People generally rude to her.

She prayed to die in her sleep. She just want to escape living and hate her Indian community.

She said she lied to people about her well being.

She is a Hindu but she has been to church too.

I tried to tell her God, the Abba Father, love her. But she was much annoyed at the mention of the word 'Father'.

I wondered what had her father did to her that she detest father so much.

She is so negative that she said one bad event happened after another. She just hope for a peaceful quiet day.

With her negativity, hard to lead her out.

She is also jealous of her younger sister has all the good and she all the bad.

She did not Realise the problem is her outlook to life is too negative and yet she tried to escape without much success.

Now, she said she get a job she will be happy. She is looking for a better place but she will take any out break as her traumatic event. And receive it as a bad event for her.

She is on depression medicine but if she doesn't try to be positive, no one can help her.

I tried to tell her to look positively at all event but sadly, she dwell too much badness in herself.

I tried but failed but I was not affected by her. Amen Amen!!!

This week, Singapore top the number of audience who viewed my blog and Japan came in 2nd.

I am surprised Japanese read my blog too. ;)

Saturday, June 11, 2016


Lord gave me an idea to compute my friend's allowance from what she received from the charity Organisation of $340/month.

I showed her per year she is getting in term of 4 thousand plus from charity and 2 years the amount and 4 years the amount is $16k plus.

Then I asked her if she get in term of thousands from the charity and think that is okay, why she mind JESUS blessing to her that is in thousands only.

Finally, she is convinced it is not too much an amount to get from me.

She told me only during birthday, Chinese New Year, and Christmas they can receive red packet, I am using her birthday to bless her what The Lord impressed me to bless.

Her mum and brother, Lord did not impress, I will not bless them.

My friend was originally so troubled by the blessing that she told her couselor about it.

My counselor was informed and she in turn afraid that I am giving my own money away. After convinced her that only after I received the Abraham blessing, I will then bless my friend.

My counselor was relieved. She said if I did not get my blessing, she is bringing me to HDB to ballot a flat!!!

I prayed to Lord no matter what He must bring His Blessing to me else I will be force to buy a flat.

This time the matter is getting into a crisis. I don't want to buy a flat when Lord has promised me a place to stay.

Amen Amen!!!

Sunday, June 5, 2016


I sensed the mum of my good friend is worrying, who will look after them after she has returned to the Lord.

I told my friend that The Lord had told me to support her as long as she comes to my congregation to serve.

I told her to tell her mum but her mum sweep it aside and proclaimed that it was my crazy talk.

She look at the present me and think I am unable. She does not believe I will be blessed with Abraham blessing.

She even told her daughter my church is one of those questionable church and if my friend come, she is being not loyal to her mum.

And my friend doesn't want to disobey her mum.

I am not worry, I let time show the truth.

The mum had actually get a lady that in her younger days, they provide the housing when she had no place to go to. The mum brought her to the lawyer to sign an agreement to help her 2 40+ year old son and daughter.

For the few friends here, I want to bring them to seafood restaurant but one suggested nearby coffee shop will do. She is too tired after work to go anywhere else even though transport is provided.

So I have to go by her suggestion.

Even though I want to bless them a little money, I need to convince her that I will have plenty before she agree on the Red packet to give them.

Not easy to bless this kind of person that doesn't want to be indebted to.

Amen Amen!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Good Friend

I have a good Friend here in this centre.

She is an innocent lady with a kind heart. Whatever tidbits she have she will share with me. She even give me a cup and a spoon so that I can make my drinks with the hot and cold water provide by the centre.

Whatever she have, she will share with me. ;)

Only thing about her is she had a good life before her dad returned to The Lord. Now, her family belongs to the low income family.

Her mum is 71 years old but still working part time as a nurse. Due to her health wasn't that good.

She and her brother are both mental health patients. Her brother talked a lot but refuse to listen to any advice. Both depends on their mum for support and livelihood. Both are in their 40s.

Today, in meditation, Lord told me to support her after her mum pass away. I am suppose to give her a fix sum of money weekly for the rest of her life as she doesn't have the concept to work so that she can have more money to live on. That's not in her simple mind.

But as she has been sharing many things with me, even invite me home for Reunion dinner when none of my siblings wanted me at their Reunion dinner. She is just a wonderful friend.

As she has no concept of handling money, Lord wants me to give her weekly as she comes to help in my future congregation.

Glory Glory!!!! Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Hopeful Tomorrow

I learn that my travelling to see doctor appointment will be change to doctor coming to center to see me, I am glad. But hopefully not to give another medicine to blog my brain that would lead to slow down in movement.

Yesterday, counsellor Anita approached me to lead 2 members from the center to deposit their cheques in the nearby shopping center. I am surprised they never ventured out to there before!!!

As one member has metal in her left leg, we end up taking taxi instead of shuttle bus there!!!

The other member gave me a treat of my dinner and a bun for helping them.

It just 5 more months for me to wait. But with the daily curses to make me old and appear ugly and sick, I just can't smile that much. The cheek seem to pull my mouth to a unhappy look!

I need more effort to smile than to rest in peace, which projected an unhappy face.

I started wondering will more money make me happy! I guess, it's bringing them to bless others and see their happy face that will make me happy.

I look forward to such a day to come to past so that by His Glory, all the curses cannot block and harm me anymore.

Currently, the happiness come from meditation and talking to Lord through His Words.

I am glad the government now care more about local people. I like reading the posting of PM LHL through his facebook.

Ex now has his gallstone remove, life shift back to normal, Jc no more talking to me. I am her last resort; it seem to be.

My friend told me to start talking to her as 'when she gets a boyfriend, she will ignore me', said my friend.

But Jc choose to answer me hardly. It make me hard to talk to her. As ex has made me a laughing stock in her growing years and the image is hard to remove from her.

Lord says my relationship with her will only improves when my blessed home comes. It will prove to her what I said about the blessed home is true. The father has made it a laughing stock as he cannot see it yet.

In Christ, I believe in faith first before the reality come to past, I walk by Faith, Not By what I see!!!

I will have the last laugh when the blessing comes!!!

Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Just a Chat

Thank God that the prayer worked for the by-election in Bukit Batok.

I just read the Finance Minister had a stroke; let Lord's mighty hand restore his blood vessel to the fullness, by His Stripes be healed. Amen Amen!

Today worked in the morning so took 2 naps and woke up 4+pm and just drank a cup of coffee to fully wake up.

During the week my counselor want to go with me for my next IMH appointment to tell my doctor regarding all these curse that I am suffering. They want to use medication to counter it.

I think it will only helping the one that tried to bring me down. If I cannot pray against them, I will be at their mercy.

I don't know how medical science can be use to counter curses.

Even the review by the CEO did not pacify me.

But I have no choice, I look at the spirit world but they trust science is the answer.

I will have to see how this work out.

The counselor doesn't want me to work in the centre but to take up some work in the society.

I will have to wait and see!!!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Street Smart

Thursday night, my girl, Jc, called me but I was sound asleep.

Friday, I found out she was home alone since Tuesday night as ex had a emergency pain!

What unfold amazed me!

He had gall bladder stone and was in great pain. But even in pain, he went to the website to find a hospital to go and went there himself. He even brought his phone charger along to make sure he remain contactable.

Jc used goggle map to find a bus to visit him and take it herself and arrive safely while mummy worried if she is able.

Like father, like daughter, both were street smart!

Ex went through Ercp yesterday and was discharged this morning. The pain was gone after the stone was removed by non invasive method and was sucessful.

Jc was glad her daddy is back home. He even used medisave to pay his bill. He is localised.

Jc was alone for 3 days before calling me out of loneliness.

Ex even find time on Wednesday to transfer my alimony to me!!!

I like him for his smartness and this is a clear example of it. Too bad he is not the kind for me. Amen Amen!!!

Now that he is home again, life is as usual once more. He wants me to get a apartment so that Jc can visit.

I am waiting for the blessed hope to come to past. Amen Amen!!!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Sleeping Beauty

Yesterday I was so sleepy that after my duty as a in house receptionist ended at 1 pm, I spent the whole afternoon and even the night sleeping.

Due to such long sleep, I finally can remain awake during sermon in the 1st service today. And I just took a light nap after I return as the morning I had woke up before 6am.

After a few times of preaching about end time and rapture, Pastor Prince finally follow the book of Revelation to say the thousands year reign of Lord Jesus before the Rapture and the beast aka Satan is being capture by One Angel and will be in jail for the Thousands years Reign.

Then he mentioned the rapture and the 7 years Judgment, 3 1/2 good years and 3 1/2 bad years.

Finally what he preached is according to the bible.

Btw, I prayed that the BT Batok by-election, the best man that can handle the town council well to have God's favor in the eyes of the voters.

I do not have any preference, only God knows who can serve the people well. So let the real, sincere man win.

I am always for the best of Singapore be it PAP or others. As long as the one representing the people can do a good job for the people, let him serve the people.

Let see the result on 7th May.

Time really passed fast. I am a year older now. But I appear much older due to all these curses daily. I am waiting for Lord to Renew my youth like an Eagle on Blessed day.

With May now, the wait is getting a month closer and I am pleased.

Thank you Singapore for following my post weekly. You are always way ahead of the next nation.

Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Life as Usual

Another week has just about to end and time has run as usual for man to catch it in what to do.

Come to end of life, will we be happy or sad with things in life.

I have not contact with Jc since Chinese New Year and she leads her life without me and she is happy as usual.

My life from day to day is about returning to health and wholeness again while waiting for the manifested hope from The Lord.

2 friends said that my movement and speech had become quite stone that I realised certain part of my brain has been attack much that after prayer for restoration I feel much better.

That's all for today! Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Just a Post

Today have to get up early for the centre receptionist job and I was so tired that I took a afternoon nap. 

This week passed by so quickly and Sunday comes again. 

WK asked me if I know how to remove the skin of ginger and told me her friend's chicken rice stall needed help.

I rather work at the centre than at the chicken rice stall; especially in this hot weather. 

Today I was so tired that I almost forgot to talk to the Lord. 

That's all for the day as I have nothing much to share! Amen Amen!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Lee's family saga

The last election was held after the death of LKY. The ruling party believed they will win by the outpour of emotions by Singaporean. So did the opposition party.

But what I saw was there were changes in the cabinet and the politician has changed from cold blooded to caring people.

PM LHL even opened his heart to share his life with the people, leading people to trust him as he build bonds with the people.

I see more showing of care and concern leading more people to like them. They become real to people instead of just the logo of the party.

This holding of events to pay respect to MR LKY, I see it as the party did not trust they could win by themselves in current caring for people state but still have to draw attention to the late Mr LKY.

LWL, being a woman, she is emotional being. By the fact that she is still living in the original home, it's hard to get over the lost. Because, everything in the house reminds her of her mummy and daddy.

I know that as I was originally staying in my marital home, I cannot move on but ex moving out, had already start his new life.

It was when I moved out in 2014 that my mindset move on. Till now, I no longer think about the marriage failure.

So this disagreement is just 2 sibling standing on different ground. There is no dishonor to talk about just that whatever left of Mr LKY still held his place in her heart. And she want the papa to be Honour as he always were.

Man being task oriented, just look to a situation and see what to do with it and get it done as he wishes.

The previous proudness is gone for good but don't keep on using LKY for political gain. Let him rest in peace. You are well able to stand on your 2 feet.

As you move on caring for Singapore and her people, you are on the right track as your Father had previously done. Be dare to trust yourself. Amen Amen!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Just Chit-Chat

Today is sunny day and my mood is at peace. 

Another Week has just gone by.

I went for a hospital interview but wasn't successful.

I guess when people heard that my symptom was hearing voices that got me into IMH initially. They dare not employ me.

Anyway, if my Abraham blessing is just a few months off, no big deal working outside or in the centre. Only difference is the pay but I have the alimony to cushion it. 

I am into customers services, I guess, with Lord coming in me and through me to do the Healing, would be the greatest customer service.

I am looking forward to do His Work! By then miracle will happen and no one don't want the renewal of youth. 

Lord is known as a great Pay Master, His Pay is exceeding great like the 5 Loaves 2 Fish miracle and the boat sinking lots of fishes. 

By then, I will renew in youth and guess looking for a life partner won't be a problem.

I still going for the 2 known to me; ex and the one whom made himself known to me, just that I don't know if he is still keen and available.

If Lord is able to restore ex, then he will be equally good.

It's a matter I want the old or the new.

The only difference I guess is the sexual preference. I am told by Lord that the new match me perfectly. 

Anyway, I will just let nature takes it course. When the time comes I shall see. 

Just like when I don't know the 2nd man, he did many things to let me know of him. Surely if he really wants me by then, he should appear and not hide behind his staff. 

For PMO is my First step of bless others, ex blessing comes later, right after the PMO blessing. 

Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Time Fly

Week after week just come and go and each month appear and disappear.

It's just seem yesterday that Mr Lee Kuan Yew had passed away but it already 1 year. 

My mum also! 24th December 2013 seem so far away as we just step into April 2016. 

All these years of waiting for the Blessing of the Lord has already moving into the 10th years!!!

If Lord tells me from the start to wait for 10 years for His Manifestation, I might not have the patient to run with Him!!!

However, day by day, sitting at His Feet, meditating and talking to Him, years just gone by the brink of eyes!!!

Whether we do something or do nothing, time just run ahead of us. So spending time with The Lord is the best time to go through.

My new life will start only with the start of the blessed life. Currently still receive cursed spirit disturbing me daily. I do wish it will go and never come anymore. Since the end of 2008 till now, I had experience different forms of the manifested curse. But Thank God Lord is With me, The Hope of Glory!!!!

Whatever it is, time is short as October is getting nearer as each month passes. I do hope this is the Last wait given by The Lord. The Manifested Hope of Glory!!!

Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Book of Revelation

I am meditating the Book of Revelation and I can see how people can be save.

For 1500 years, Lord uses youth, beauty and wealth to attracts people to him.

If none of the above can touch the heart of the people, they would go into the 7 years of Judgment where Locust as huge as a horse will attack those who did not have a seal of God on their head.

They would be torment but death will depart from them and they could not die.

There is also another horses with head like lion's head and fire and the smoke and sulfur going out of its mouth. They have tails like snakes, having head and they injured with them.

The sun, the stars and the moon will be fallen that darkeness comes on earth.

The tress and grass will be burn by fire.

The sea and the lake will turn blooded and fire will burn away the living things in them.

I am just quoting some of the Judgment Day. It will happen 1500 years later after the Grace of JESUS ends on earth and all those Christian who sincerely accepted Christ will be rapture.

This 1500 years, Christian will experience renewal of youth and wealth will be bless on them to show the world real richness and perfect body can only obtain in Christ.

Lord in the meditation says that I will walk in His Authority and Power that imperfection will become perfect in Christ.

This is to rise the jealousy of people for them to accept Christ if they want to enjoy the benefits. No need makeup nor surgery to change the body but real transformation.

I am looking forward to such a day to manifest.

At the end of 1500 years, I will be 1 of the witness to be kill but breath will come into me after 3 1/2 days later and at the command from Heaven, I will rise up to Heaven and this will mark the start of rapture for all sincerely accepted Christ Christian.

Why I say sincerely? Because some who did not sincerely accepted Christ Christian will be left behind to lead those who suffer and want the Salvation of Christ to accept Christ. They will go through the 7 years of Judgment and end of it, Lord will comfort them.

Those kings and powerful people who didn't accept Christ will come under the Judgment of the Lord and given one last chance to accept Christ. If they still blinded by Satan, the Lake of Fire, where their spirit will be disintegrated and be burn off.

This is a heavy topic to write that morning I only wrote half way.

After the gathering of my siblings at my 2nd sis place and a good shower, I finally finish writing this post.

I thank the Lord for using me for His Manifestation. It is not good to be the witness to die and no tomb to house but expose to the world for 3 1/2 days.

Anyway, to live longer than 100 yrs old is already walking in His Grace and any number of days alive, is just by His Grace.

So whatever I have to suffer, it not that important anymore.

Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Just a Normal Day

Life just passed by day by day and working to meet target is making me tired and Saturday is a good rest for me.

It is great to meditate with Lord to know the unknown. He always disclose my future man to me to keep my hope up.

My weight has been on a rise after the great fall from taking two meals, no matter how much, as long as before 6!

Now that my dinner is around 7-8pm is not helping at all.

My 2000 plus of checking the scanned document is not helping at all as others can do better.

I hope to get the new job but the shift is the concern but the pay is better.

I rather do Lord's job as He will be the One doing and His Enable will lift me up and the nature of job has no target to meet as the healing is done by Lord and not me.

I just have to look ahead to the blessed hope of the Fall seasons of Jewish calendar for His Manifestation to come about.

Today is a rest, a good rest! Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

The Job

This job I am in is causing me much stress in checking the number of errors the scanner or the documents commited. I am able to check 2000 odd documents while others did a better job than me could do 3-4000 of the documents. And they could spot more errors than I could.

I am stressed to do a better job!!!

I talked to my counselor today and based on my interest, she recommended me to go for airport check-in agent job.

I did this job long ago while waiting for my 'A' level result then. Going back to do would be familiar to me.

While waiting for the blessing to come to pass, I don't mind earning a good pay.

The curses is making me look older than I really am but Lord will renew my youth on the Blessed day.

I know like Sarah, my youth will surely be renew. Amen Amen.

Today is my friend's birthday yet I sang her the birthday songs. May the Lord bless her!!! Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

To the One that had Fun with Me

Lord just revealed to me that whatever ways you could previously used to trace and had some naughty fun with me were fully removed from you!!!

I thank God for that!!!! No one would like to be traced so excessively especially I did nothing wrong and I am not in any political group!!!

It may seem fun to you but I, the victim, was clueless why spotlight was shone on me, and caused me great stress and insecurity.

I have done nothing wrong to be traced so much!!!

I thank the Lord that whomever removed that rights from you and return me my peaceful daily life!!!

I know you might like me somehow but my friend put such a man as a weirdo.

No man in his right mind would put his girlfriend under such tracing as trust is the key word in a relationship.

You are given the power does not mean you could misuse it for a personal satisfaction. Maybe your single life for too long make you weird, I don't know!!!

If not for meeting with you in church in 2012, I would be too scare to even befriend you!!! But thank God you are not so in real life!!! I have to know you to be sure!!!

This is the first time I am scared to even want to know you, even though Lord has through the years been writing good most of the time, only thing bad was your Ex bullied you that lead you to treat me with revenge maybe.

Well, will see how things may work out. This rest maybe a good time for you to think over what you have done and is it right to do them on me whom had not offended you!!!

If you repent, maybe we can be friend one day!!!

Since you are in security, I guess when I eventually bring the blessing to bless Singapore, your colleague may check on me first before I can present the blessing. This will be the only chance open to you. Amen Amen!

If you are the right man for me or not, I shall see. 


After waking up earlier, I am getting into the momentum of the new schedule and find getting elsewhere later kind of weird to be.

I got my first pay from the company and just that few days, I am getting more than I ever get from the centre. Just that work pace is rushing. I have yet to be as fast as the elders in the company. 

Only rest day on Saturday, when I meditate, Lord always reminds me of the future man to keep him in my mind.

Otherwise, with no previous tracing and drama etc, it's like a dead horse. No more anything!

My girl is asking me to watch her performance again but with work, hard to rush there to support her. Her daddy is going. She wants me to go too.

Daily time just pass so fast that to do payments of my stay in this center and the rent of my things at the warehouse, takes recalls to remember to pay. 

Only thing that come with a cost is now I need not bother of people coming to my home to take my things!

Another regret is those bowls and plates of olds that my mum kept. They were of good quality but now they are in other hands as my siblings dump them away. The Neighbour had offered to take them all!

I thought Lord blessing would come earlier and I could take them all as I forsee hosting my siblings in future and those are good kitchenwares.

Even though I know with Lord blessing, I could buy anything I want, but if the design etc of them still the same is another issue. I am not one who like to waste things that is usable.

Anyway, things done cannot be undone and just like the passing of my parents, I just have to accept it.

With the sickness curse that comes so often, I won't know how often and can't pray for my mum.

I, myself, experienced it all then I realized it is not possible to pray deliverance for mum.

When I saw others with their aged mum, I do envy them for my parents won't that old in their passing away. Even I know they are in better place, I miss them.

That is why I always advise people whom had bad relationship with their parents, to forgive and not to quarrel with their parents.

Anyway, may the Lord bless you with a good weekends and a good week ahead!!! Amen Amen!!!

PS: Wow, don't know why, Singapore has a very high hit reading my blog.  It's 103 pages view as compared to the next country, which had only 10 pages view. ;P

Saturday, February 27, 2016

My Work

The luxury of working in the centre is no time limit.

Now working in the real world means time and work rate and the production.

Daily wakes up 5:45 am to get ready and to rush to work as early as possible and to start checking the scanned documents even before official start work and to keep up the speed in eating lunch and to begins work before time of breaks are over do make me tired much.

The only good is I don't stay over time and don't go back on Saturday to work over time.

Today, as I sleep longer and more that I am recovering from the tiredness. No wonder another from the centre said the job is too stressful for her!!!

The only good is the job pays me better than the centre does.

However, I am not banking to work long term there. My heart is still for the job Lord has placed in my heart long ago. This will be my dream work to pray healing for people and the joy of seeing the smile on their face.

That's all that I am posting and I will return to meditate God Word again. 

Saturday, February 20, 2016

His Greater Love

I could not forget what happened before and after the divorce.

Ex was retrenched from 3 companies previously. One from restructuring of company, 2nd from a company whom a lady colleague told him that nothing wrong with him. The last one wanted everyone to bring the spouses and the boss did stare at me.

Now I know that it's because of this person wanted him out of job and hopefully we quarrel or whatever to make the relationship sour.

However, ex skill is good that he has no problem getting a job!

Next, ex was led to drink whisky to volka to destroy his brain through alcoholism but Lord saved him.

Finally he spotted ex unfaithfulness and supplied girls to him that led me and Su to pray for 9 months before giving up. Ex's heart finally turned away from me after tasting younger girls.

He also let me know his name through accusing me of liking him.

Next, he appeared in church, sitting next to me in 2012.

Then he appeared in Telco service centre when I brought Jc to service her phone.

Then he appeared again at Parliament House, where Mr Lee Kwan Yew coffin was placed, to shout, 'She is the one who prayed for him' when I was there to pay respect to Mr LKY.

He also sent many agents whom acts as taxi driver to question me.

He even traced where I live.

He also send the many cabs heading the same location as an indication of marriage.

He did so many things about me and around me.

When I posted Lord told me I have two men to choose from but I don't know the 2nd man, above was his respond.

Even the lady that supposedly like him also so shock I have a teenage daughter.

Some how he wanted me and did so much but currently not possible.

I never expect to have such a romantic love story that could be produced into a movie. But it did happened to me and when it happened it wasn't romantic at all!!!

It's when each part of the puzzle are built together that it looks modern days romantic love story that included David and Beshebath love story that led to the murder of her husband by David's plan.

Even though I have other bees that I shook off as non as smart as these two.

One, whom turn away from me and one, whom love led him did so much!!!!

Even though now the arrow is turn on me with sizzle on brain, stroke and various cancers, etc, by opposing sources, I will never ever forget such a man exists.

And what love could led a man to do. Be thou, who love me or be thou, who don't want him to love me.

How this love story ends, you will have to wait and see!!!

Interesting to read but not sweet to walk through right now!!! Amen!!!

New Life

Come Monday, I will be working in the outside world and no more working in the centre.

My counselor pushed me to apply for work and this job just landed on me after a interview. I will be in the busy business with targets to meet etc.

I rather wait in the relax environment but alas was convinced that I could handle but the long journey and long hours are all going to eat into my time.

Another member is working there and the immediate superior wanted to connect us up but she worked late yesterday and today working again for OT pays.

This company convert ministry paper documents to paperless while currently I am doing law firm docu conversion, so about the same job except they have more projects and thus many datelines to meet.

The only good thing is I am earning a higher pay from the current poorly pay. 

However, I am still waiting for Lord manifestation to come forth so that I will maximize my potential for His Purpose.

Previously in IT line, I used my brain the most, now this job uses the hands. In Future job, my body, soul and spirit and especially my mouth will be used by the Lord for the greater Glory of His Manifestation!!! Amen Amen!!!

I am also waiting for this body to renew in youth and for the next man to appear in my life. All these have to be the right moment right time. 

A lot of people around me are happy for me about the new job except me! Maybe I am waiting for Lord to open door for the possessing the possession to come about. Amen Amen!!!

However, I will still try out this detour till the day come about.

I think ex will be happy as he doesn't want me to just depend on the alimony from him. He used to say what if one day he has no ability to pay me!!!

That's all for my life currently. Thank you all over the world for keen to read my blog. Currently Singapore has the most access of my blog. Thanks a lot!!! Amen Amen!!!

Last Sunday, Pastor Joseph Prince from New Creation Church, Singapore shared that an arrow, the dart must be pulled back much to shoot far.

My life is like this dart at the lowest possible place. When the blessing comes about, it will be like the dart hit the Mark. Amen Amen!!!

At least, I am still alive and breathing for His Glory.

All those have breath are to Praise The Lord!!! Amen Amen!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

About Me

Recently my counselor had a session with me and she commented I am highly functional and recommended me to look for a job out there instead of working in the centre.

She commented after I got the job, she will want to discharge me from here. She said those that stay here are not that well in their mental health and I am not so I should get a room out there to stay instead.

I told her that I want to stay till my blessing come as looking for a room out there will increase my cost and I am unwilling to pay the market rate for rental room. I do hope she let me stay till then.

Yesterday gathering Su and her sons didn't turn up as her lie of going oversea is revealed by Lord when I asked Him where she is going and Lord told me she is in Singapore.

When I told her that she said nonsense but dare not send her son to collect ang pow from us just in case her lie of oversea is being exposed.

She had lied to me about my other sibling wants to sell my mum's house, instead I learnt from my other siblings that she is the one whom want to sell!!!

She made me homeless just because she had debts to clear and needed the money. Her husband could not kept his job and depends on her meager salary to support her family!!! He needed her to earn a living while he stay home and being lazy and use credit card when he ran out of money.

He too ashamed to face us and we pity Su from finding such a husband. Beside wanting to dress up and look good, he has nothing to boast about. What can good look does?

He is just like a baby that cannot endure hard work and scolding from the boss. Too proud of himself but a good for nothing to us.

Today is 人日 aka human day for the 7th day of the CNY and I wish all of you a Blessed Birthday!

Today is also Valentines Day and I wish all couples a Happy Valentines Day!

Recently met my close friend's brother and he loves talking to me even though my friend told him I am not for him, he didn't get it. He discharged from another centre and wanted to come here. He even want to go to my church!!!

He could talk non stop that my friend said he mumbled to himself at times. It's his sickness. And this lead him unable to get a job but he wants a wife!!!

I do hope he doesn't come close to me. His mum block him from coming here. Thank the Lord!!!

Anyway, my choice is for smart man, be him the past or the future; only 2 choices and not more!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

The sixth day of Chinese New Year

The 6th day of CNY sound like luck, which means fortune. In this day, my siblings are going to gather together as my mum originally started. Only Su said she will not be around and forsake the gathering.

This morning as I meditated, I saw this verse, Proverb 27:17 'Iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.'

No wonder advices to friend brings great comforts to my friends!

I saw another verse, Proverb 27:20 'Hell and Destruction are Never Full, so the eyes of man are never satisfied.'

No wonder man in the world always chase after money and always feel not enough!!! The system of this world to get man running for the pot of Gold, which Heaven used to lay the pathment!!!! What a contradiction!!!

Chinese New Year last for 15 days so 6th day is near the mid of it and I bless all readers of my blog a Prosperous and Good Year ahead of you!!! Amen Amen!!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Lunar New Year

Yesterday I had a enjoyable reunion dinner with my friend and her family. I ate till very satisfactory.

Today the first day of the Lunar New Year, 
I bless Singapore Peaceful and Prosperous.

I bless the Singaporean smart and have the wisdom of God in their daily doing. May they have creative miracle to lift up the name of Singapore to the next level.

I bless the students to have the Peace of God in their daily schooling and activities. May the teachers have good leadership to lead the students to shine for Singapore. 

I bless you parents with leadership abilities to nurture your children to bring about family peace and prosperity.

I bless my siblings not by might, not by power, but by His Spirit, to come about knowing the Goodness of JESUS and to receive Him as their Saviour!

I pray in the Name of Jesus may all be fruitful and multiply! Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Blessed Chinese New Year

This Chinese New Year is the most unsettled new year for me. Even the new year cookies I have not buy as much as I had.

Also, with rent of this centre and my stuff at the warehouse, my allowance has been running low then what I used to have.

But, the ang pow money still must give.

I have to look over the limits of what I have, to the field of Abundance of JESUS provision.

Without the Blessed Hope, I will be much poorer and future is bleak.

However, Lord promised His Abundance and I will have over flowing supply.

My good friend come from a poor family as her dad had passed away and they were made poor by his business.

Despite their poor income status, their open house for my friend to bring me, her brother to bring a friend and a cousin joining for the reunion. I appreciate their kindness. They shall be bless.

I wish all of you a Prosperous and Abundance year ahead of you. Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Blessed Hope

My original plan to have reunion dinner with a member here is cancelled due to cost of dinner is to high for this member.

However, Lord opens door that my close friend's mum invites me over to eat with them. Glory Glory!!!

My friend still have sucidal thoughts especially when she looks out of her window at home but she no longer entertain the thoughts. Glory Glory!!!

The increase in medicines is stabilizing her.

For my siblings, I will only be seeing them in the CNY weekend to gather for food and red packets for the children.

For me, I am looking forward to Lord's blessing and for Him to bless me with a man whose heart is with the Lord.

I want to have him with me, serving the Lord in future as what most western pastors have. Their spouses are always with them in their oversea trips.

As a woman, I love to have him by my side to support me in my calling of the Lord.

Money won't be an issue if I am highly blessed and he too will be highly blessed.

As this calling is going to last a life time so it is not important for him to move into this supportive role immediately as I will be under training to rise up to handle issues of the Lord.

At least, I have to go hospital visiting as a first hand training.

And Lord previously revealed that I will station in house for 3 years before move around the world as His Calling.

I will abide with His Calling and do His Work as an empty vessel for His Use.

As the Chinese New Year is approaching, I wish you readers of my blog a Happy and Prosperous Year ahead of you. Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2016


Through talking with my friend's mum, then I realized she did not swallow 20 mental pills but sleeping pills!!!

She had gone through a few rounds of killing herself. What I know is she jumped down a flat at 2nd level and her foot has bone protruding out.

She actually contemplating jumping down from her kitchen window but Lord showed her vision of her mum would be very heart broken that she did not do. 

She was traumatized by the violent act of 1 patient in IMH Acu Ward and saw another patient with cut marks on both her wrists.

She told me she is not that stupid to take pills and get admitted again. 

She said I don't understand what she had gone through since young. 

I taught her to cast her problems to the Lord and to receive His Shalom Peace. 

During her stay in IMH, Lord showed her another vision of His Big Arms carrying her like a baby being cuddled. 

Lord revealed if she doesn't trust Him for Delivance, her next attempt will be successful. Lord is using her and don't want her to die. Her mum is 71 years old might not be able to take it.

I didn't know her conditions till she revealed she is overwhelmingly hopeless. 

But in the mid of all these, she is still seeking prayer, which is a good sight she has not lost all hope. She asked the Paster here to pray for her.

After yesterday dialogue with her, I was troubled and I prayed a few prayers for her and hope she will get out of her depression!

No wonder Lord send her to be my friend. I thank Lord for this opening. 

I have a feeling that she will be helping me in my healing ministry as she is very devoted helper in the fellowship here. She used to play the piano for them.

Amen Amen!!!