Saturday, December 31, 2016

Eve of 2017

I bless all of you my reader of my blog a blessed Year ahead and may everything you do will prosper!!! Amen Amen!!!

I am happy to step into 2017 and has high expectation on what is the theme for the year to be revealed by Pastor Prince tomorrow. Amen Amen!!!

2 months had passed and I just left 10 more months to wait upon the Lord for my blessings to be pour on me. Amen Amen!!!

I am also looking for a new job and wish that I will be successful in it.

Lord has greatly promised me to bring the blessing through. I believe this round he will be truly bring to me. He will not let me wait for another year. Amen Amen!!!

Thank God that when I fully manifest in the healing ministry there is renewal of youth for me and for all children of the Lord. I need not face an old me and an old next man for the coming years.

Lord promised to renew our youth. Amen Amen!!!

It is good to step into 2017 going to church!!!

Even the Chinese New Year is fallen in the weekends on 29th Jan 2017, that I need not bother about reunion dinner as Friday is a working day for me if I still in existing job. Amen Amen!!!

Abba Father promise me to bring the blessing through and it shall be. Amen Amen!!!

I look forward to a bright future!!! Amen Amen!!!

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