Saturday, March 14, 2015

Proverb 31 Woman

I just realised my mum was a Proverb 31 virtues woman!!!

My dad might not earn much to feed the 5 of us. But my mum is the Resourceful one!!! We never lack in food nor clothing nor all that we need to study!!!

She is good in sewing, cooking and earning income to supplement my dad's income!!!

There were time the taxi he drove had problem and needed money to repair but somehow, it always enough!!!

She knew how to gather and she was hardworking!!!

Whatever problem we faced she always have a solution monetary too!!!

I like her rice dumbing, her curry and her dark sauce chicken!!!

She made beautiful dresses, school bag and pencil case for me!!!

I remembered she was so resourceful that we were never that poor!!!

There was always have enough for all of us to remain happy as a family!!!

I thank the Lord for blessing us as He promised Father Abraham that in him, his descendants shall be blessed and indeed, we were!!!

I thank the Lord for His Grace and Mercy!!!!

I thought, leading the Government to love her people would lead to peacefulness for all. But seem like someone is not happy. As he talk not good and make fun of something and some people!!!

Based on whom that talked to me late last night at the wake that makes me don't feel like turning up anymore!

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