Sunday, March 22, 2015

Freely Take, Freely Give

Till today, regarding the offering of Healing, even approach life or death, I still heard we are not the same God!!!

What I have, what I give. As it come to me freely, I cannot charge a cent on it or a favour!!! As it comes freely!!!

Can anyone force anyone to accept JESUS? If really can, JESUS would be able to convince His Chosen Nation to accept Him as their Savior!!! But many till today still did not accept him.

Did JESUS force them to accept Him? No!!!

But those who coming to Him for healing, He always healed!!!

Regarding Seng, someone said I must be angry with him for doing all that to get me!!!

Well, after trained by Lord for so long. Few things can get me angry.

When Lord first let me know, I did ask Lord, 'Are You sure this is the man You want me to marry?'

If consider sin, ex just did 1 unfaithful sin while Seng did many!!!

But Seng's sin is washed away by the blood of Jesus whiter than snow if he has really accepted Christ. Ex yet to accept Christ so still outstanding.

But Lord had trained me long ago not to look at sin but to look at them as washed whiter than snow as under Grace!!!

But did it had a effect on me, yes, it did!!! It troubled me that I got two persons to talk about it!!! But I still have the frustration. Want to drink the white wine I bought for cooking but it didn't taste good, so cook a beef curry out of it and me and Jc were happy eating the curry!!!

I told ex that his dismissals were none of his problem and he was so happy that he came to meet me at the door when I delivered the curry to them!!!

After yesterday I am fine again. I just need a few days to sort it out!!!

Lord told me early to settle the emotional issue first, as settle now is a lot easier than later when the choice is not available!!!

But now sorted out my emotion, then I can freely accept him without him hiding anything from me!!! Glory Glory!!!

As for the healing, it's in the Heart of God whom want him well, no strings attached.

I know Chinese way is if you receive a gift, you must pay!!!

But Christ way is He Freely Give, we Freely Take!!! If really want to pay, just thank JESUS will do, I need not receive anything from you!!! As it is not me who heal but God in me who do it!!! How can I claim when it's not me who do it!!!

Who am I to do that? No, I Don't Deserve it at all!!! As long as he is healed and you all plus those who cares for him is happy, I am happy!!! It is just that simple!!!

As for Seng, now I know why you love me so much to get me no matter what. It's okay, just don't do it again!!! If you in Christ, learn to love your enemy!!! You will be happier than to let people suffer!!! I still believe you are a good man!!!

Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

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