Monday, March 9, 2015

6 Years Late

Yesterday in church, 2 church connectors was sent to talk to me. Main thing is to know where I get my bible knowledge from.

6 years ago, when curses first came, Lord had to get me out of the house to avoid it!!!

Today, even the Spirit of Death came for me, it could not defeat me!!! The evil one is in more urgency to find out how to defeat me!

Lord already leading me to walk in Love!!!

The story about why JESUS, when He first arose from death, why didn't he go to show off to non-believer about the holes created in His Nail-Pierced hands but to His Own.

It's with the Heart of Love that one understands. When One is full of Love, He only wants to pour Love on those who has an Open Heart to receive.

Of the 2 connectors, one with pride in Her Abilities and Lord has nothing to share!!! The other more humble and Lord opened up to share with her!!!

It's not about who I go to receive, but more of the hidden emotional wound that was hidden.

As you could see, it's when I went into a certain stage of emotions, as he make me to believe, the lack in that emotion arose and I then, with the knowledge of its presence in me, could pray for deliverance!!!

I have known my Father in Heaven close enough that no amount of removal of the function of my mental health or shut my prayer mouth nor the listening ears nor seeing eyes could bring me down!!!

The Spirit Man is sown these 8 years so much that even my brain can't, my Spirit Man can!!!

And compare my Spirit Man with the spirits of darkness that you trusted much to attack me,

God Word says that Greater is He in me than he that is in this World!!! He will not fail me and He will not shame me!!!

He is a Faithful God!!!

And He Loves me!!! If God is for me, Who can come against me?

Even children of Darkness don't know the Goodness of God and would only laugh at God's Word!!!

There is no one I could trust, not even friends, not even siblings!!! No wonder Lord long time told me the one whom I can trust is Only the One loving me!!!

Today I see the Reality of His Advice!!!

I walk by Faith and Not by Sight!!! I see the Faithful One!!!

I shall Live and Not Die! To Speak His Good News, to Show His Miracle!!!

The Prince of Peace my Shalom!!!

I walk in His Love, showing Love as He leads and not as the world wants.

Rest is Holy Spirit leads Activities!!!

Glory Glory!!!! Amen Amen!!!

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