Thursday, March 5, 2015


I can't imagine at this day and age, this topic of comparative status, power, wealth is still the option some families used for their sons' and daughters' selection of spouse!!!

I heard this comment of why I don't understand!!!

I am born with a mindset of I bring Nothing into this World and I would exit with Nothing, except now I have the Holy Spirit with me.

So, whatever rises in a man's life, be it wealth, power or status, I don't care!!!

They can't bring happiness in life!!! No matter how much ones have, it just a poor rich man if he did not have the love of Christ!!!

But with the love of Christ, no matter how little I have, as long as my life can goes on with The Lord, I am still at Peace! As I have Him!!!

Regarding the man whom love me might be a rich man son or whatever wealth, or power or status, it is really not my business!!!

If he loves me, at most what I get to enjoy is his love and his standard of living!!! The rest doesn't matter!!! As it is a source of Pride and in Christ, I know this Pride is the Greatest sin and I will not go there!!!

If he does not love me, no matter how much wealth, power or status, it lagi not my concern!!!

But if really want to talk 门当户对, 3 generations ago, probably was, and when Lord rise me up and bless me richly, probably is. Just at this point, it isn't!!!

But all this matching in family status etc, the main thing is to derive Favour out of it as we always read in history and watch on TV. But the Greatest Favour of All Favour, is to have Favour in the Eyes of God!!!

One touch of His Favour can last a lifetime!!!

So, why don't I care about this 门当户对, I hope I give a good enough explanation and you need not scratched your head and wonder why???

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