Saturday, January 31, 2015

Understanding to the Situation

One complaint I always heard was she kept saying about blessing and where is it? She has nothing!

Also, I was thinking where this favour of cab provision come from and why?

Also about my future roof, my intention is to continue here but seem like Lord has another door opens and want to tempt and push me through!!!

I also think of who would fight over living with me in the blessed life!!!

Lord led me to listen to a sermon where Joseph was a slave in Egypt but he had Favour with whatever he did!!!

Lord showed me even in my nothingness, it is a set up for the blessed life!!! The Revealing about Seng is to set him up as the other man for my consideration in the near future!!!

I was thinking why would men bother about my blessing and Lord reveal King Solomon had 700 women agreed to spend their lives with him!!!

Imagine everyday for 2 years, he could sleep with a different woman!!! And imagine 700 women wanted his attention!!! It's hell of a job for him and his Emotion!!! No wonder he left God to please his women's god!!!

Lord showed to me it never pays to have more than one partner!!! To treat all fairly, it's hard work!!! Imagine the man with 5 wives had to sleep a portion of his sleep with each woman each night. And the lady having 2 husbands had to cater for both their needs!!!

Lord wanted me to experience Seng so that eventually he will auto pilot in to be the one to share my blessed life!!! I have to know him to make the right decision!!!

All is according to His Plan!!! He know I might not pick up as it is not my nature to do it!!! So He uses temptation and pushing at the same time so that His Plan may flows through!!!

I mean, in the nature, don't think Joseph likes to be sold as slave!!! But out of no choice, he had to go that way, trusting The Lord and after so many years, he finally stood as the second man in the land!!!

I am being put in the same predicament too. Lord wanted me to move that way!!!

He promised good will come out of it and I just have to believe!!!

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