Sunday, January 18, 2015

God's Favour

Today on the cab home, I was questioned how did church manage to rise so much money for His Building in Star Vista.

This is what people who don't believe JESUS cannot understand by reasoning from the understanding of their own god!!!

I was previously believing one of such idol till spiritual disturbance happen to me and I questioned the existence of that god!!!

Bible said those man made idol have hand that cannot do, have eyes that cannot see and it is there and it cannot help!!!! Well, that is why people whom believe in them don't know the nature of God at all.

As the bible said when you accept JESUS, you will have the Son and the Father. Those that don't have Jesus, they don't have the Father God so they thought they are praying to God but it is at most an fallen angel or no spirit at all!!!

This was my journey of discovery to finally have a relationship with Lord that those who don't know Him will not know His Goodness!!!

And it is also that they thought they need to do something to move God!!! But the only thing God wants man to do, is to accept His Son work at the Cross!!! The rest is just rest in His Finished Work!!!

In a way, they are wondering why no matter how much things they took from me to do curses, why I am still alive!!!

Even darkness is created by God and JESUS, is the Word of the Creation. By the blood of JESUS, Lucifer fallen from Heaven and be the darkness of this world. But as he has no power over God, he come for the children of God instead.

But we, children of Light, have a Blood covenant with God by the blood of Jesus that He said His Hand carry us and Abba Father's Hand covers us, there is no way darkness can take the life of a child of Light!!!

The fact that my parents could died was they choose to die. Psalm 91 said that He satisfied us long life and show us our Salvation. So we have the power to say how long we want to live!!!

Also, there are things that prolong life while sin reduced life.

But for me who has a calling by God, it's His Job to keep me alive!!! Even I pray for death He also denied me!!!

Just look at Jonah that has a calling from God, even he moved away, the calling is still on him till he did his part!!! Even when he offered himself to be thrown overboard a ship, he did not die!!! God sent a whale to rescue him!!! And when he changed his mind to do God's order, then the fish split him out at destination!!!

Regarding this Star Vista, as it was God Himself whom want it to be built, of course, he prepared his son 10 years before to build this building and He prosper His Children and impressed them to bring in the seed to pay for the building!!!

He is capable of doing all that!!! Otherwise, how did He brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, how He let King David always win his war and blessed King Solomon with so much wealth and wisdom to build all that man could dream and in the end of his life, realised all these man wants are just chaff in the wind and happiness and joy can only come from the Lord!!!

He did so much in the bible and going to do much more when He returns!!!

If only one has eyes to see!!! It's about Him and Him alone!!!

His Favour can easily move the heart of man but one need to know and experience Him to know Him!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

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