Saturday, January 3, 2015

My Life

I know Lord is with me since young!!! Devil came as a mad uncle to disturb the young life but we were never harm. My mum was a strong woman and the Neighbour gave Grace for us to escape to each time!!!

Growing up, I didn't have an idea what I want to be!!!

That time after 'A' level, IT was just bubbling up and I got my friend to get an application for me and I was in it!!!

Working in a IT company also was led by Lord!! It was amazed I got Favour even without realizing it!!!

At Graduation 2 classmates expressed interest in me but as I never see them as one, I just smiled and they married others!!!

When Open 'U' started, another colleague took the application form and we attended together. He was interested in me but I am not into nice guy. So totally missed 3 opportunities for a peaceful good marriage!!!

Ex-bf was never meant to be and in those 6 mths, the number of times we met can be counted with the fingers!!!

Ex came in the almost end of my IT career as after marrying him, the very feeling that got me interested in IT was gone and I was bored!!!

So after having Jc, I offered to be a housewife!!!

It was those early years, Jc was still a young toddler that Devil looked me up in a major way!!! But it's true he has no power of death!!!

Lord protected me that my life was weaken but not dead!!!

Then Lord led me back into His Arm again!!! And He slowly led me to walk closer to Him.

After the initial phase of strongly trusting Him, then He led me into the wilderness to be tested again.

In the mid of it, He got someone so interested in me that so many people came around me, some against, some for!!!

I thought I will never see my cab supply again but it still came!!! They who are good in their driving skill cannot hide no matter what they did!!! But I was in my low mood, had crashed that emotion that was risen sometime back!!!

I was thinking if I took my mum's offer to help me buy the marital home but I did not pick the offer and now I landed in this situation!!!

Ex knew he had tricked me to give him the whole house that after the HDB meeting, he was like a lost housefly, didn't know how to exit from me!!! Seeing him so, I decided to walk away!!!

At this point in time, I know what is planned for me. It's a total transformation of my life!!! It's about if I want the highly blessed life of the Lord or I want to strife for myself!!!

Su, through another source, offer 'help' to find a job so that can get a rented flat from the HDB!!!

Even if I want to buy a 2 room apartment, it was move beyond my reach as I have to go to the resale market!!!

So you see, Lord lay out His Plan and wait for me to step on!!!

If man go for the woman of the night, he sold his soul to the devil!!! And it led to Grave!!!

But this is the reverse of that!!! It's a man, whom every one in his side, knows about his love for me!!! He sent cab to pick me home, he got girl to hug me so sweetly.

Lord kept promoting him to me that at time, for those goodness He promoted, it was so good that stopped me to take a breath and so good that I don't know if I should meditate some more to continue knowing!!!

I am feeling undeserving for such goodness!!! I could not understand why it was poured onto me among the many in Singapore!!! Yes, it is precisely this undeserving feeling that keep me pondering!!!

Even the unhappy jealous voice of men was spoken in the quiet of the night, the 1-2 whom gathered there keep saying how undeserved for such Honour!!! Well, I agreed that!!! But in Christ, when one is most undeserving, Lord poured His Blessings onto!!!

You could see from Abraham, both times he got blessed by Kings was the most undeserving in His Life!!! God is Good!!!

But Abba has been Good to me!!!! Amen Amen!!!

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