Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Love of God

Moons ago, I talked here about a mum told me kids learn about Love from the Love their parents give to each other. At that time, I did not have a good understanding of how this come into effect.

Then when I taste a little Love from the man who was curious of who I am, I tasted the sweetness of it all. With this, Lord let me realise what confidence or self pride could harm a relationship and one who is easy going is better.

Then Lord let me see that Jc, Rosy, could never secure in the physical show of love by using money to satisfy. Lord led me talked to Su about Lord led me through Di Zhi Gui, to see the blessed woman who submitted to her husband and greatly blessed.

As I had a stronger personality due to the training I received growing up of having to fend for myself. I could not make myself bow down to man. In fact, brother was my worst enemy at one time as we are the 2 stronger personality at home.

Lord led me to see a strong personality woman who let go of her strong to see the heart of her husband and to feel for him. Their marriage was then turned to very loving.

Last night, while talking to Su, she mentioned about oh, with ex, we could not sense the love and must always go to him to affirm this love. He could not promise anything as he did not learn of it too!!!

Su told me there is this sense of love that words need not say to know that person love you much!!! She is surprised that it was not in my family that we must go secure it every time. She said long ago, she already see it as our family, all of us faced the pc!!! She find it weird!!! Even my eldest sis said the same too....in fact, this is one of reason leading to the divorce.

Lord is telling me that in future, when Jc sense the love between me and my future spouse, she will be attracted to this love and find Rosy and ex empty. She will spend more time with me. Glory Glory!!! Currently, she only want daddy as he could satisfy all her material needs and she likes to play with Rosy's kids, so she is attracted to them.

Now I finally understand what True Love is about. When one truly love someone, it's about giving and about sacrificing for them to keep them happy.

Lord let this vessel of me that was empty and drawing on negative to slowly walk the Love that He is trying to tell me long ago. Because, once we know the humanly love, we could understands the Love that God, the Abba Father, love us so much that He sent His Only Begotten Son to die for me so that I could receive all His Goodness. It is all about His Love for me. I am slowly awakening to this love and I want the fullness of it all!!! Glory Glory!! Amen Amen!!!

I am one who cares much about Love and yet, I was shown the emptiness of it all!!! Surely, Lord is turning it around to let me enjoy His Love to the fullness! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

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