Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Cycle of Life 2

Mine oh Mine!!! Hallelujah!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!! What Lord revealed to me about my transformation is GOOD!!! Hallelujah!!! Amen Amen!!!!

I thought the sexual desire change was that all but Lord blessing is usually in Abundance!!!! Hallelujah!!! If you read the story of Joseph, you will find that it was when he rose up to be the no 2 man in Egypt that Lord said he was good looking!!! So, when he was with his brothers, as a slave, being jailed, he was still not transformed, even though he had great Favour due to his closeness to the Lord!!!

Why his brothers was jealous of him? It's like you looking at my photo and thinking what so good I am to deserve all these!!! That's the same treatment he gone through, that was why they didn't mind sold him off!!!

All these years, Lord gave me a lowly face that nobody cared much about. Even though they could tell something in me is unusual, they could not pin point it out and I was quiet in most gathering. Be it in school or in social gathering!!! All these are for training purpose, how it shape my character and personality!!!

However, Lord disclosed that I will not be so in future!!! Like Joseph, when I rise up, He will be my Authority and Power! He said what He anointed King David and Joseph will come upon me. Also the fullness of Jesus will be with me too!!! Glory Glory!!!

He knows the desire of ex heart. Those lady that he could see and cannot get. He knows their demanding character and he avoided them. Surely, Lord not just reshaping me to fulfill the physical change. He is bringing out my ancestor beauty, all the way to the Jews blood, to be shown. And the sweetness of it all, I will have the beauty of Jesus!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

He said I will not be the typical Chinese look but one that is internationally look pleasing!!! Glory Glory!!!! All these are in the pipeline!!! Hallelujah!!! Amen Amen!!!

In term of character and personality, He said when I am out doing His Work, He will fully come through as Jesus with Power and Authority. At home, I will be submissive and erotic. Ex will be like bee to honey and could not get enough of me. This is the Abundance He is pouring into me!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!!

He said by then, no one could deny me. He said the air of Jesus will be with me and His Wisdom will be in full display for the Glory of Jesus!!! Hallelujah!!! Amen Amen!!!!

Surely, I will be tall, slim, pretty, beautiful, young at 20 and youth at 16 for His Glory for 1500 years!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

Thank You!!! Abba!!! Hallelujah!!!! Amen Amen!!!!

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