Thursday, April 2, 2015

Why ISA?

I just on the TV to watch channelnewsasia news.

Just saw Thailand martial law lifted and go into another law that pretty similiar to ISA.

When there is disagreement, people gather people to protest. So much unrest was in Thailand that they are now seeking peace and opposition unhappy as they cannot do their protest just in case they get caught and put without trial!!!

In peace time in Singapore for so many years, people start questioning why capturing certain group of people.

Even Thai, divided their population the elite, the military and the people!!!

Singaporean questioned about those caught under ISA were the smart one. Well Duh!!!

Usually they are those who think they had smartness and could use the smartness to challenge the authority. It's a sense of pride at work!!! To prove they can do better!!!! Just like the Elite in Thailand.

Now in peace, where no protest or anything. People started questioning!!!

But if one is the people that just live peacefully, no police will come knocking one door to catch for no reason sake!!!

Of course, it's about someone wanted to create unrest as challenge to the authority that police will stop before trouble start budding!!!

Can we look at those being caught and ask why they were caught? They look decent etc...

And quote that they have how many young children etc to gain public pity. I mean, if one knows one have family to look after, why go participate event that could result in unrest then???

One might look at someone else and said I don't like certain thing is done in certain way!!! But do you know no one can do something that please everyone??? If one get majority accept, it is good enough!!!

What if you have different views, you could give suggestions for the authority to see if it's good to implement into the government to benefit all!!!

This is a better way than come with your own way and accused the authority of not doing a better job than what you could!!!

It is easy to complain, but to suggest a solution and to look forward is a better way of life!!!

But if one want to craft out a spot for own self and choose to challenge, of course keep you from creating trouble to disrupt peace is part of the game!!!

It's about how long it took for the fire in one to be gone before one expect release. And this you agreeable to the authority and don't oppose it anymore!!!

But if one is proud of self, then unlikely one is to submit to the authority!!!

Then one wonder why one is kept. It's not about authority afraid of you!!! That's another pride statement!!! It's more about if they can trust you to remain peaceful once you are released!!!

I still believe in giving solution!!! I have contributed quite a few that were picked up to apply.

This is more peaceful, I think!!!

Regarding their problem, hope you come with a workable solution and offer it freely!!! It would be a win win situation!!! Peace!!!

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