Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Love Portion

Guess the Last Spiritual test from the devil is the test of Love/Lust!!!

It comes in the form of my house got a electricity trip and the whole house was down. An electrician had to be called in and I called the Town Council for help. The electrician, Mr C came an hour later!!!

Thank God that he offered to help even though it is not supposed to as it was a problem in the house. As I have no one to call, he helped me tracked the problem.

The thing is, I answered a call with no caller Id and I got the curse!!!

The Feeling is like Mr C became like a well related friend. There is no restrictions and the feeling is like having a good relationship with him and I didn't know why I laughed a lot and practically following him around the house!!!

He found a switch was spoiled and went down to get a new one to replace. Somehow, I busy with my Ironing and didn't bother about he coming back in, somehow broke the curse and I wasn't laughing anymore and didn't follow him anymore!!!

But it was after he left that I prayed to the Lord to remove it. Lately, the added test is about men hinting about sex to me!!!

Now I can tell through the last few years, the different plays, I know those that he was not involved, most likely, wasn't even from him. His way is mild as compared to them, whom hinted either with eyes looking or put in a conversation directly or indirectly!!!

Guess, Lord using this to train me for the eventual Glory, where I am young again!!!

I can't imagine what temptation that renewal will have.

But this feeling of wanting a man is back to tempt me again and I do wish ...!!!

Endurance!!! Endurance!!!

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