Friday, November 21, 2014


After a Big Hoo Haa of I am with who and who, the High Wave of excitement, all for the purpose of test, Holy Spirit finally quiet down to tell me that He is bringing me back to ex!!!

I was looking for someone who could really love me and Holy Spirit is saying back to P, My Grace is enough to make it work!!!

Without all those curses and women, the relationship with him is already bad enough. With those added things, his heart automatically discard me for others!!! I experienced that when a man doesn't love anymore, no amount of words can convince him.

But Lord, My Father in Heaven, is saying go back to him, thing will work out for you!!! Even though I know His Miracle Hand, somehow, I am not interested!!! But if He said so, I will not say no!!!

In a way, it was a disappointed answer I had, trusting Him for a Fresh New Life, away from him but in the end, no more hope to hold on. That's how disappointed I am.

Especially after what I had been through with him, is like Lord must do a 180 deg change in P that he will become so in love with me!!!

What Holy Spirit holds me to him is a feeling I had for his mother, his family!!! This is the part Lord never let me let go!!!

Every time he went back, his mum will let him have her bed and her room. She herself slept by the sofa chair!!! This is her love for this precious son that hardly visited her!!! But he does call her a couple of times around the year.

He knows she loves him but he planned for university in the far north and told her only a day before departure!!!

She continued to show love by sending his Favourite meatballs to him. Then he move further East ward and eventually to Singapore!!! He said Sweden too cold!!! Zero deg Celcius is normal day and winter is harshest  -40 deg.

Lord said He is going to redeem all these situation that the mum will get to see him more!!!

He impressed me to build a house, when I am blessed so eventual return need not take her room anymore!!!

I like his mum in a weird way! Maybe because she never interfere in her sons relationships!!! She has enough respect to their life that this is not seen here!!! Where wife complaints about mother-in-law problem!!!

Being a mother, I understands her better and could understand why she loves her son so much!!!

Anyway, I look forward to meeting her again. Surely things will work out and everything will be good again!!! Hallelujah!!! Amen Amen!!!

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