Thursday, November 27, 2014


No wonder Lord, The God of Love, told me that I do not know what is True Love!!!

Based on the 2 encounters I had with him, it is definitely a total different kind of feeling!!!

The initial meeting of ex, there won't even have the slightness of Shyness in me at all!!! It was like a pretty normal meeting with someone that I could get along. There was happiness but not a bit of excitement at all. Pretty normal!!!

But the first meeting with him, where out of sudden Lord mentioned 'Your Husband', I was so embarrassed that I hope to find a place to hide and immediately after service I tried to run.

The 2nd meeting, there was an element of excitement or anxiety that I suppressed so as to behave normal. It a knowing that someone is looking but at the same time tried to ignore it!!!

Somehow what transmitted from his heart led me to react in that way emotionally!!! Even physically no visual impact for me!!!

It is so different when someone express the feeling from the heart that talks!!! No wonder in Heaven the talking is heart to heart with a knowing and not from opening the mouth from those who visited.

A heart who talks differs from one that is dead and void, which talked nothing!!!


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