Monday, May 26, 2014

A Peep into Hell

This view of Hell given by Lord Jesus is the same as those who posted in YouTube regarding their hell experiences!

The story of the Rich man and Lazarus:

Luke 16:19-31
'And there was a certain wealthy man, and he dressed in purple garment and fine linen, enjoying himself splendidly day after day. 

And some poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, had been lying at his gate desiring to be fed from the things that fell from the table of the wealthy one; but even the dogs that came were licking his sores. 

And it happened the poor man died and was carried away by angels to the bosom of Abraham (a par taker of the same blessedness as Abraham in Paradise);

And the Rich man died and was buried. And in Hades, as he Was In Torment, when he lifted his eyes he saw Abraham afar and Lazarus in front of him. 

Then he called out he said, "Father Abraham, you must immediately have mercy on me and you must now send Lazarus so that he could dip the tip of his finger in water and it would cool my tongue, because I am suffering in this flame."

But Abraham said, "Child, you must remember that you took good things in your life, and Lazarus likewise the bad things; but now here he is comforted, and you are in Great Pain. 

And in all these distances between us and you, a Great Chasm has been established, so that those who wish to crossover from here to you Would Not Able, and they Could Not Cross from there to us."

And he said, "Then I ask you, Father, that you would send him to my father's house, for I have five brothers, so that he could warn them, so that they would not come into this place of torture. "

But Abraham said, "They have Moses and the Prophets; they must listen to them now." 

But he said, "No, Father Abraham, but if someone from the dead would go to them they will repent."

But he said to him, "If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, then they will not be persuaded if someone would rise from the dead."'

Today, all your sins and lawlessness were judged in the Body of Jesus and He said, "It is Finished!". Are you willing to accept Jesus into your life so that you can avoid hell and enjoy Heaven instead?

The prayer is very simple! You could ask Jesus to save you or ask Him to come into your life and be your God!!! When you pray, do not doubt in your heart and God the Father surely hears you!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

If you think properly, I am not your problem!!! Your problem is sin and lawlessness!!! If I go away or die is a solution, then why my parents death have totally no effect of improving your situation??? Think Think!!!

I prayed that your veil is washed by the blood of Jesus to see clearly!!! Amen Amen!!!

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