Monday, September 17, 2007


I came to the Lord 13 months ago because I could not find the peace I had much needed. In church, I learnt that the lion does not go devour everyone. They only go for those who allowed him to enter their lives. In my discovery class I learnt about devil CANNOT touches me.

Even as I listen and listen to these messages, but in my 13 months of Christian life, on off I do get attacks. I started applying Jesus blood and manifesting the Lord’s hand to protect myself and judge the adversaries.

I thought I had fully covered myself in protection. But on Saturday morning, as I saw a man smoking away at the swimming pool, at the end of JC’s lesson, this thought about he wasting his life away and an image of black dried lungs appeared. I just tell myself aiyoh, why that guy didn’t stop that, little did I know I had accepted that thought into my life and opened the door for d to come in to grab hold of my lungs with lots of palm sized spider-liked creatures, they caused me to almost bend down in pain and weakened me.

Through this attack, I thank Lord that He has been faithful and helped me to get rid of those creatures during my evening prayer in the spirit. The pain has departed me as at today. I learnt something from this attack, I realised that I did not guard my thoughts, did not put it in line with God’s word.

Lord told me to listen to this sermon, “The power of the Ever-Cleansing Blood”, preached by Pastor Prince in 24th June 2007. When I first listened to this sermon in church, I was thinking, I know my sins are all taken away by Lord Jesus and Daddy God does not impute any more sins, as such, I didn’t not pays much attention to the nuggets of the message that I need.

Today after listening, I realised that Lord Jesus has for every minutes, and every seconds cover me in Jesus blood. I need not cover myself in the blood, what I need is to thank Him for covering me. Praise the Lord!

From the above revelation, it leads me to realise that since Lord has covered me in Jesus blood, there is no way adversary could attack me. It’s my thinking that opens the door to them and allows them to come in and attack me. Today, I finally realise there is no way the lion could devour me at all! Praise the Almighty Lord, Jesus!

From the above revelation, I also realised that since the blood of Jesus fully covered me every single seconds, there is no way that sickness can stay on my body, since Jesus blood has no sin, sickness, which is a judgment, cannot exits.

With this revelation, I could feel Lord now fully occupy my body, soul and spirit. What my discovery teacher, Deacon Anthony told us that when our mindset come in line with the words of God, Holy Spirit in the spiritual realm, could then get out from there and touches my soul and then my body. I could feel a strong presence of the Lord in me now. Praise the Almighty Lord.

Lord in me, Holy Spirit, told me that I am now full; He said I am a matured Christian now. Praise His Holy Name! Like what was said in the sermon, the blood of Jesus covers every part of me, and then the water, aka Holy Spirit, will go on top of it. Praise the Lord; this is what I am experiencing right now. I could feel Lord enhancing my brain, clearing the blockage. I could feel the whole body so full of the spirit right now. Praise the Lord!

Daddy God, I thank You for the wonderful revelation. I thank You that now You could touch all my dead body parts and make them alive again. Lord, thank You very much! Praise Your wonderful sweet name! Amen!

Here is a hymm by Frances Ridley Havergal that goes well with my current stand with the Lord:

Like a river glorious, is God’s perfect peace,

Over all victorious in its bright increase;

Perfect, yet it floweth fuller every day,

Perfect, yet it groweth deeper all the way.

Hidden in the hollow of His blessed hand,

Never foe can follow, never traitor stand;

Not a surge of worry, not a shade of care,

Not a blast of hurry touch the spirit there.

Every joy or trial falleth from above,

Traced upon our dial by the Son of Love;

We may trust Him fully all for us to do-

They who trust Him wholly find Him wholly true.


Stayed upon Jehovah,

Hearts are fully blessed-

Finding, as He promised,

Perfect peace and rest.

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