Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Attempt on My Life

This morning, the greatest attempt on my life happened during worshipping of my God, my Love, Jesus Christ! I am glad that I have a Faithful God in me. It's not what I want or don't want. But more of God, My Abba, want to give me long life but SA tan want my life to be ended.

Of course, My God is the God Most High and whatsoever He Speaks, devil have to shut up!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

Do I really want to go through all these??? NO!!! But, to show them the Greatness of my God, I have no choice but to let my body be the playground and my life be HIS Testimony!!! Glory Glory!!!

Am I brave? Or am I bold? No, I am not! Just that I have a GOD, who is the GOD ALMIGHTY, that when HE says 'YES' nobody can say 'NO'!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

My only problem is how long more will I have to be so!!! But just have to wait for His Timing!!!

Anyway, my life is in HIS NAILED-PIERCED HAND! And HIS BLOOD HAS SECURED ME IN IT! He shall not forsake me nor leave me alone!!! It's not what I can see or know but my Abba is All Knowing!!! Nothing can Escape His EYES! And He knows who is doing what! HIS EYES Pierced the heart of man and nobody can escape His Scrutiny!!!

Surely, He will reward According!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

PS (14th April 2014):
Today another attempt to destroy my brain through stroke and seizure again. And I forgive you who ordered it to be done! The Lord is Faithful to deliver me! Glory Glory!!! Amen!!! Amen!!!

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