Friday, April 4, 2014

I should Thank Him

Joel Osteen post this in his facebook,
'Don't be disappointed because your plans didn’t work out. You may not understand it now, but one day you’ll thank God for the difficulties. His ways are better than our ways. Don’t try to figure it all out.'

At this moment in my life, I cannot see the goodness of what I am facing from each revelation of His Anointing in my life.

Lately, this is what they did to me:

blind my eyes
make me deaf
take my voice
put all sorts of cancers
throat uclers very common daily
mouth uclers
lost of balancing
become dumb
brain being suck till so tiny
pain in joints
bend my neck
create a lump behind my neck
remove my youthfulness...look like over 60yrs old lady currently
remove my strength, my mobility
try to destroy my brain
try to put pain in my joints
curve my nails
daily try to create tumor in my brain
needle poking my...

These are just what I am facing lately. And I am supposed to be thankful for all these curses coming upon me.All these are what I am enduring and my spiritual game with those that wish me down. I even have people checking to see if I am okay or fallen into their trap!!!

Now I finally understand how they bring my mum down. That's why they so anxious where I shift to for their curse have to know the address, the birth date and time and even the NRIC!!!

One thing good from what I am receiving is, now I know the spiritual tactics they use before the medical tactics.

I don't know why Lord wants me to know all these. Does it have any help of my future healing ministry? I don't know! Maybe, it might be of some help to those that need a listening ear???

Well, whatever it is, it's not for me to judge but to bless!!!

Thank You, Abba for Your Wisdom and Understanding!!!

Now I know why Lord want me to write all these out. He just want to tell them that even though He knows what they have been doing, He still loves them and want them to come back to Him!!! Just like the lady with 5 husbands and living with a man. Lord exposed her sin just to let her know that despite what she did, He still loves her!!! Glory Glory!!!

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