Monday, April 21, 2014

Now I know!!!

I thought whom I meet is another of the planned by them but Lord revealed to me he is not! Even though he is from them.

It is just like the door I have waited all these years to walk through! Lord revealed to me how will the door be opened so that any other door I am not attracted.

Like wise, Lord showed me the man He had planned for me too!!! I had two focus: one on pastor preaching and another on him. This is the way Lord confirmed to me he is the man for me. As the time for us is not ripe yet, he showed no interest and I ran off out of shyness. But I didn't see this as Lord's plan even with the miracle of double focus nor His Word confirming to him and me about each other.

As I keep looking around, Lord knows that I would like this latest man if He did not do anything!!! He let my front tooth be broken and refused to give me a new one. He also told me not to go to the dentist to have it fixed!!!

The last man was attracted to something about me. But Lord knows how to turn him away!!! Glory Glory!!! He lost his interest and they finally can cool off!!! Hallelujah!!! Amen Amen!!!

Then today Lord renewed His Promise to me and the how I will meet him again!!! Now, like the open door to do His Work, I will hold on to His Promise of him and I will not look anymore!!! Glory Glory!!!

Checking with ex, it is a completely shut door as he saw the rumous of the boyfriend and blessing did not materialised!!! Glory Glory!!! His many shut door let me know he is keen only in money and nothing else! There is ample of younger ladies around for him that he need not return to me at all!!!

Abba Father, now I believe all that You have planned for me and I will wait upon the doors to be opened to me!!! Surely everything in Christ will turn out beautiful again!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

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