Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Healing Power of Jesus

Recently, for 4 weeks, I have this sleepiness that disturbed me. Making my days dozed off as I close my eyes. There were also images that came on when I closed my eyes. At night, when I sleep, my mind kept thinking of something that I did not sleep well. When I was half awake, I could pray in the spirit or use Lord’s hand to bind the disturbing spirit.

I was wondering last week on why this sleepy spell was disturbing me. Then Lord spoke…He told me to raise above my emotion. Work hard on my bible. Praise the Lord!

I was distracted for pass few days and had not pray in the spirit for a continuous 1 hr. Day time I tried to pray more to cover my lack of prayer at night. As it was short prayer here and there, I could not sense any break through.

Today, I decided to listen to the anointed song, A Touch of His Presence 2, to get into the spirit realm and let Lord healed the headache and sticky phlegm that kept persisting, also to get away from the slow dozing spell. It used to be easy to concentrate on talking to the Lord from the songs. Today, distraction keeps coming to prevent me to concentrate.

I aborted listening to this CD and on the praise and worship CD, I See Grace, instead. I force myself to concentrate. Till the song, You Are My Lord. I saw in the lyrics that ‘Every moment that I live, Your mighty hand is doing wonders for me’. Immediately, I told Lord that since Your mighty hand is doing wonders for me every moment of my life, I pass the sleepy spirit to You to handle, I pass all the spirit hovering around me to you.

Praise the Lord, I could concentrate after that. As I get away from the darkness and move into the Light of Jesus, Lord came and anointed me. He puts both my palms together and I could feel strong forces coming on them.

After the anointing, Lord told me that my hands are no more ordinary, whoever I touch get heals. He told me that I am in-charge of the healing power of Jesus. I am to heal all the people of their afflictions. Praise the Almighty Lord, Hallelujah!!!

Hehe…guess what I do next? Touch on my head and my neck!!! Yes, the sticky phlegm gone, so is the headache. Praise the Lord!!!

Ever since Lord started anointing me, He started saying I could heal others, to Christmas time told me that I am a healer. But all these while, He said I am not ready yet. Today, finally, He said I am ready!!! Praise the Lord!!!

Daddy God, thank You for anointing me greatly. Hallelujah! I will surely follow Your Will and establish Your Covenant of Healing through You in me. Hallelujah!!!

Daddy God, February 14, is St Valentine’s Day that man buys roses for his girl. Daddy, You give anointed hands to me, Praise Your Great Grace and Great Mercy. I feel so love by You. *smooches*

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