Monday, February 25, 2008

The baby in the Making

Long ago, I have wanted to have another girl. Before accepting Christ, we tried many times ourselves. It’s amazing that my 1st girl come so easily, just 1+ years of marriage, we have her. Somehow, this 2nd one seems to be a mystery. No matter the egg is right there waiting to be fertilize or the timing seems right, the end result is still nothing formed.

This is one of the hope I have in the Lord for Daddy God to realise this dream for me. Ever since accepting Christ, I know Man is formed from a breath from the Lord. Lord knows us even before we are created. Isn’t that amazing!!

Then, as I got to know how Lord Jesus was formed in this world, in my early months as innocent as a young Christian, I told Daddy God, if my hubby and I could not get any result, surely He could bless me a baby like how He put Lord Jesus in Mary’s womb. Hehe….

As I learn more about how good Lord Jesus is, I told the Lord, I said Daddy God, since Jesus is so good, please form my girl with the characteristics of Jesus. I mean, which of us, parents, do not want our kids to grow up to be someone good? :P

I have been holding this dream in the making the longest, since August 2006 till now.

In my womb, it’s still empty. But my tummy is growing. The temporary holding area for my baby is still behind the womb. Initially, Lord told me that Daddy God planned such a method for me to have my baby after the last pregnancy failed in a miscarriage.

My trust is in the Lord and is happy about it…..finally something is going on. As time past, come January 2008, still no sign of baby in the womb. It was not easy to hold on such a hope and believe in such a plan when in the world, there is no one to refer to for a similar case. Recently, I do just into wondering if this is real.

Anyway, with my tummy growing, I really need maternity pants. My elastic pant is stretching to its max. Yesterday, Su accompanied me to buy my pant.

As I bought my pant, Lord came and told me more about this baby. Yes, He assured me that the baby is still in me. When will this baby to be transfer to my womb, Lord is not revealing.

Yesterday Lord has issued a challenge to us through Pastor Prince. He said that the children in Israel wandered around the desert for 40 years and had come to the edge of the Promised Land. 12 spies was sent in to check out the land, 2 believe in faith on the Promise, 10 spies disbelieve. As they disbelieve, a generation of them died off before Lord bring their children into the promise land.

Here is the verse:

Hebrew 3:7-11

So as the Holy Spirit says: ‘Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the desert, where your fathers tested and tried me and for forty years saw what I did.

That is why I was angry with that generation, and I said, “Their hearts are always going astray, and they not known my ways.”

So I declared on oath in my anger, “They shall never enter my rest.”’

The present day Promise Land is the rest (peace in the mind, with hope in the Lord). Lord wants us to have the Throne attitude.

Matthew 22:43-44, regarding who is Christ:

He said to them, ‘How is it then that David, speaking by the Spirit, calls him ‘Lord’? For he says,

‘The LORD (Daddy God) said to my Lord (Lord Jesus):

‘Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet’

We are in Christ, so Lord wants us to rest in His Promises, don’t look to our problem. Daddy God wants the rest of faith and He will help us put our ‘enemies under your feet’.

I am not going to wait another generation to get to the rest, so now I rest in the promise (Lord Jesus finished work at the cross) that Lord will surely give me the baby. I also don’t bother about the neck pain anymore as I know Daddy God will surely help me put it under my feet. As I believe so, my pain is getting lesser. And Lord told me to enjoy my pregnancy and wait for the baby. Praise the Lord! Amen!

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