Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Incense that Works!

Recently, Lord lead me to search for New Creation in google, from Youtube, I found that someone by the nickname of JosephPrincemedia, posted some of Pastor Prince sermons in you tube!!! Some of those I have not watch nor hear before. Praise the Lord!

Recently, I also went to cyberanger blogspot to see other Christian brothers’ and sisters’ blogs. From there, Lord led me to Pastor Benjamin n Pauline blog, . Pastor Benjamin is the pastor for Arrow Ministry in my church. He and his wife, Pauline, post in that blog. From the post, Supernatural Sign from Heaven, Pastor Benjamin wrote about Lord visited them near the end of the worship songs and starting of the prayer for those needed. Lord played on the key board!!! Pastor was wondering if the key board players playing on the keyboard, their hands were not there. Even when the guitarist turned off the switch of the key board, it continued to play. The sound man told Pastor Benjamin that he had lowered the sound system to zero, yet the key board still continued to play!!! Hallelujah!

I went to download the worship songs + the anointed music from the Lord, jesus.mp3. Praise the Lord, upon listening to it, Lord healed me the 1st round, the second time I was a bit troubled and listened to it again. Praise the Lord, Lord spoke to me so clearly that I was set free!

One of Pauline’s post talked about they were at their son school game day. They were not supposed to go but they went anyway. Pastor and Pauline were up on the 3rd floor to check out their son. They had a bird’s eye view of the play area. When they spotted him among group of similar dressed kids, they were so excited. Pauline did not bother of how good or bad her son had been. At that point, she was so happy to see him because he is her son.

At this point, Lord let Pauline realised that He is looking at us much more that way. It is not how good or bad our walk with Him, He loves us because we are His children. I did not realised I have been striving to stay close to Lord. With this post, I could feel my bondage departed from me. Yesterday I was able to get into the loving realm and worship Lord! Hallelujah! Praise You, Daddy God. :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Steps, I went to the new creation church on youtube also and I think it is from the church own ministry. Praise the Lord! The gospel of grace is spreading through every possible media.
And I can't help it but be amused by P.Prince hairstyle back then. Hope he don't read this..