Friday, November 2, 2007

Father’s Love

Early this morning, my girl was having high fever. I tried laying hands on her and taking Holy Communion. This fever and headache is pretty stubborn. It refused to leave! Then I recalled Daddy God told me that my healing power that He recently anoints me is 100% better than what adversary could offer. With this in mind, I lay hand on my girl again. This time round, the fever and headache depart.

I was supposed to go for my last revision driving lesson. Lord blessed me with hubby willingness to send me there as I could not sell it off. At the driving centre, I was feeling tired, from the morning fight, and then I sensed Lord hugging me. It was so comforting to have Him hugging me when I feel so down and out. His hugs brought tears to me. I wept it off and was ok again. Lord blessed me with a easy driving lesson, only have minor error to touch up. Praise the Lord.

On the way back, I went to buy some grocery. As I was waiting for the shuttle bus home, devil came with loud thunder, strong wind and heavy rain. Lord was so good; I was thinking if hubby came to pick me, I could go home dry. Moments later, hubby called to check on me. He, who told me that he won’t drive short distance for shopping, drove over to pick me. Praise the Lord.

Lord these few days has talked through me to Kr, to let her know that He loves her. Lord told me to pass a sermon, 22nd July 2007 “The Difference between Familiarity & Intimacy” to Kr. This is to let her have her revelation of His love.

Devil comes in the form of her husband; he stopped her from getting the cd from me. He stopped Kr from talking to me. This afternoon, he even called my mobile to scold me. The advantages of mobile phone..haha…I could put it far away from my ear and need not receive his false accusation. Lord told me that because he called, now I have the spiritual rights to pray for him. I get Father God, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit to pray for him, to cast the spirit of strife away from him.

There were 2-3 times Kr told me she felt like committing suicide, all the stress from her hubby and her life. I kept leading her to see Daddy God loves her so that she has Lord to depend on instead of her husband, who usually scolded her instead of providing support. Lord has shared that once Kr come close and have blessed life, her hubby will then turn back to Lord. Praise the Lord!

This afternoon, JC headache and fever came again. I lay hand a few times till so tired and asked Lord what else I could do for JC. Lord said I could deliver my family from sickness just like I prayed for Kr’s hubby. With this, I asked Father God, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit to pray for my family. JC has refused to sleep ever since she woke up at 6:40am. After the prayer, Lord got me to lay hand on JC again. Then I got her to lay in bed with me. Finally, she has fallen asleep.

These few days, Su also had attacks from the devil in the form of HL’s business partner. He put some unfounded accusation on Su, on cursing the shop business to be poor for 1 day!! Lord told me it was actually devil blocking business from flowing in. No matter how Su cast it off n pass it to Lord, somehow, the thought keep coming back to Su. Today, Su asked Daddy God to help. Finally, Lord came and put her thoughts on the cross, He told Su.

As our blessings are coming, some how, there is stronger resistance from the devil to try to make us not at peace. After these few days of attacks, I am now listening to Pastor Prince, “A Touch of His Presence 2” to get back to the peaceful feeling with Lord again.

Daddy God, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, Lord, thank You for being around for me. Without You, I don’t know how I am going to face the challenges in life. Lord, thanks for being there for me. Praise Your Almighty Name, Lord Jesus! Amen!

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