Monday, August 6, 2007

Victory of the Lord

Thursday bible study, the sermon was preached by Pastor Peter Youngren. From this sermon, I learnt that the faith needed for my healings, it is not how much I declare my trust in the Lord, it is Holy Spirit, who is the provider of the faith needed for my healing from the start to the finish. Praise the Lord!

Pastor Peter Youngren also mentioned that Jesus paid double for my sins. This was my first time realizing it. Upon hearing it, I questioned in my heart “double?” and Pastor PY answered, “Yeah, double!” as if he heard my question…haha….I went wow, Lord not only paid one for one for my sins, but DOUBLE!!! Wow, that is a wonderful assurance; there is no way that I am going to accept the shit from the adversary anymore!!! Lord Jesus paid so much for me; I am not going to allow any shit from the adversary any longer. Praise the Lord!

I also learnt from another sermon, 21/06/02 ‘Righteousness – The key to receive all things’, that the stripes on Lord Jesus were not those that the Roman soldiers put on him on the way to be crucified. Lord Jesus was afflicted and smitten by Lord God on the cross for all my sins, Isaiah 53. Lord God knew all my sins, from beginning to end. Since He was the one that judged Lord Jesus for all my sins, and Lord Jesus, who knew no sin, had been perfectly judged for me. I am now perfectly righteous of God in Christ.

Yesterday sermon, Pastor Joshua told us how big Lord God is. The sun is 14 times bigger then earth. There are some other stars that I forgot the name that is 14 times bigger than the sun. And there are some other stars that are the bigger that man known so far, that is 14 times bigger than the last star. All this are just on the palm on the Lord, as the bible said. Go imagine how big God is. He, who is so BIG, came to be human, to save us, to reconcile us back to God. He, who is so BIG, also living in us daily, wow…Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord for this revelation. Holy Spirit, thank You for leading me and correcting me when I move away from You. Praise Your Almighty Name, Lord Jesus!

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