Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Cycle of Life

Lately, I have been watch the olden days Chinese Scholar documented words about what Life Cycle is and what we do might bring blessing or curse depends if what we did is honarable or out of some bad means.

It is interesting to hear people whom didn't know why things bad like sickness or diaster happens to them. But by tracing what they did to the old writing of the scholar on the life cycle, they finally realised what they did were against the normal life that Lord given to us. I could see there is some similarity to what is written in the Book of Proverbs! The Amazing thing is when they come in line with the normal proper cycle of human life, their sickness that was resulted from the cursedness disappeared!!!

Like what Lord said, when one go for sin, they usually fallen a lot more deeper than they want. The consequence of sin resulted in bodiy sickness, mental health, physical weakness and sometime, even death!!!

In the modern days, ladies wants equal like men that some become strong and competitive. This is describe as hen learns to crow in the morning. This is a wrong seqence of life as Lord did not make women to be out fighting with men. This you could check the last chapter of Proverbs on the virture wife!

In the nature way of life, parents and parents-in-law are to be honoured. What was taught was they are to kneel and bow to their parents and wash the parent's feet just like what Jesus had done on His last Passover! Lord impressed me to do that to my mum.

As I agreed to the bowing, Lord cleared the pride that was with me for a long time. Today, He gave me calmness of heart to do the bowing and washing of her feet! Lord yesterday showed me a very smart and strong in charactered woman was given an austic son. Her mum wanted to study International Accounting during her pregnancy that when her son was inside her, she asked him to be quiet and not to kick her tummy as she wanted to study, due to she was not in the virtue wife position, the curse fell on her son to be austic, do not talk, no emotion, and disable to learning. When the mum after trying 4 years to do a simple wash face and hang the towel, was so fred up.

When she learned about her role in the marriage and humble down herself, her son could concern about her and speak for the first time. The organiser said her son was there to teach the mum!!! When I heard that, and I know Jc always fighting me and keep a distance from me, I realise I need to appologise to my mum regarding all this years of arguing with her when she speak against me. After apologised and bow to her and washed her feet, I could see Jc changed for the better when she came back from school!

One university said that in the olden days, if one is not respectful to  parents, they would be hit with a wooden rod for 100 times. If one hit the parents, the law was death. Then he said no wonder the olden days people could produce good writting, they had to respect their parents and parents-in-law! At the olden days, women also held the housewife role and this role prosper her husband and her children!

Nowadays, woman wanted to be equal to man and some had super strong characted. All these goes against the role of woman and so the blessing is affected! We don't put our parents in a highly respected role and that affected the blessing and lead to cursing to be effective! Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

When one earns money through cheating, about the price or about the product, the money earned from it was cursed and the one doing this business will suffered mishap or health was affected! In the end, the money earned will be lost too as it was cursed money. Emotionally, they would be affected too!

Lord is super happy that I paid my mum respect and said I opened the way for Him to bring His Blessings to me. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

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