Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Knowing God

Just like a Lover, knowing God is not just listening to the sermon. This is looking at Jesus from afar. You know how Good is His Redeemptive Power at the Cross and How He is the Lamb of God who took all your transgression, indignation and sins and much more that we might be ignorance. But once you want to know Him, He will be happily blessing you. I know, I experienced it long ago. Glory to Jesus! Amen Amen!

As you pick up the bible to know Him from His Words, fellowshiping with Him in His Words, you will walk into the Holy Place. This is a deeper understanding of Him and His Ways. Lord will show Himself God to you and lead you through many hurdles. It's from all these hurdles that you know Him better. What he could and would do for you! Glory Glory!

As you step into meditation, taking bible verses to munch in the head like a cow munching its food in and out of its stomach, you will have Lord talking to you from His Holy of Holy. This is from the natural realm, you walk into the spiritual realm to fellowship with Him. You will know Him personally as a God so near to you. Having intimacy relationship with Him.

Personally, I have walked through all the above and are currently in the Holy of Holy, having intimate relationship with Lord! Praise Jesus!

As each of our growth spiritually are different, what one understands of Lord usually are different from another one who did not know much of Him.

Recently, from what Lord revealed to me in His New Leading. This sister-in-Christ at first was amazed on how deeply Lord is leading me. As I revealed more to her, it become shock that she does not think Lord will lead in such way, even though I could prove through the bible. That is why, sometime, I just reveal a little here and a lot of hoo haa are generated.

Lord said this in the bible, Isaiah 55:8-9 'For My Thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are you ways My Ways, says the LORD. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My Ways higher than your ways and My Thoughts higher than your thoughts.'

One need to walk closer to Lord in His Spiritual Realm to know Him personally to understand His Ways. Like my divorce, by faith I walk as He commanded. Many Christians told me Lord will not lead one to divorce. But I found supporting verses.

Now getting to know the new man, Lord has a different ways of leading. I need to walk by faith again to accomplish it. The sister-in-Christ said Lord do not lead people so, but I found Esther, Ruth, Sarah and Tamah, 4 of them combine together for the process that Lord is leading me through. In the natural, I won't even want to put myself into it. But knowing Lord well, I know what He lead is for the good of me. Do I want to obey Him?

Not by what I see but by His Spirit, by His Faith I shall accomplished. I walk out what He had done. His Obedience lead me to be greatly blessed. If I just need this small step to reach this destiny, of course in natural, it's impossible, but by Faith, I shall be. I trust Him enough and had seen enough these 5 years to know what He lead is for my good, not to harm me. Usually just by following Him, I am blessed. So, by Faith I am walking it out.

If you use the natural mind to reason, you will never know why. The heart of man is small, but the Heart of God is BIG. He sees into areas our physical eyes cannot see. He sees the hearts of man and He knows how to move that yields the best result in the most simple way. His Yoke is Light, remember?

So far, I never find a hard task, but a task that need Faith. Faith is the only answer. Once I obedience to His Leading, the simplest way will be His Answer to all that I need. Am I to go by man's way or God's way? Of course, God's Way is better. Glory Glory!

You will never understand why as this does not go by logic. It's by Faith! As Jesus always say, 'Oh, you of little faith!' You just need to pull His Faith and Trust His Goodness and Walk His Way. With that, the end result is a pot of Gold in waiting. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

He work in us for us to walk through what He work in us. Lord has conditioned my heart since 2009 and in recent weeks daily, to be able to accomplish what He had put through me. So, man can never able to use his knowledge, his reasoning to conclude it. Only by Faith you then can see His Ways. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

That is why, meditation and talking to Lord daily is important. Play truant is not going to help in time of need! Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

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