Thursday, January 24, 2013

The New Man

Tuesday was an scary and yet wonderful time for me. I don't know if you like to have traced by someone. I not only have that when I went to mum but also another different group on the way home.

I did not know I was followed till I saw this lady looking in that direction of me with a purpose. I asked the Holy Spirit what should I do and I was told to get off the bus at a certain turn.

Originally, I planned to take another bus home but I found like someone looking at me. Then Lord told me to take the cab. I saw a cab but it speed over super fast. Not long later, I found another cab on the second lane. The way this cab slice the first lane and sailed through, I could sense the sharpness and the precise mental skill of the driver. It landed smoothly by my side.

The talking with the driver, when he mentioned certain thing, I know who he is working for. But there is something special about him. The way he talked is not like any other taxi driver. I forgot I am on a cab, it was so comfy to sit and talked to him. His driving skill is good, I enjoyed the ride.

I was drunk in this special atmosphere that time flies. When approaching my home, he suddenly slowed down on the 3rd lane, I wondered what happened but it was a smooth transition that I do not find any shakiness. And he switched lane to 1st lane and slow down the riding.

The way he talked was with caring kindness that I had not even encountered with ex. My destination was reached and that short second encounter sent my soul with a certain joy that lasted till the next day. I don't know why I feel so but it is as if romance without the sexual notion.

It was the next day that Lord told me he is the new man. It is weird, someone who is checking on me and he knows much about me and I know nothing of him except what Lord told me. And he supposed to be the new man. Well, the first encounter was good, I enjoyed!

What an encounter!!! Thank You, Abba for loving me. Hallelujah!!! Amen Amen!!!

PS (25/01/2013): Hmmm...not easy to know a man from the system. The dating is yet to start but today in hospital, arrow already started shooting about why he like me and question about the distant from near home to hospital. I seem to sense sourness in their talk! I even had someone sitting at the entry to the wards, observing me as I walked in.

Hiaz, even before starting, I already drag having to meet all these people whom they worked together. How am I to begin? Is everything about me going to be the talk in the hospital???

They also mentioned that I have to be a good daughter-in-law for the mother-in-law. (Phew!!! so many law dump on me even before anything begin!!!) He must be very precious to them!!! I wonder if they are related as they are so anxious for him!!!

Lord, is this really the right match as You have told me?

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