Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Lovely Daddy God

Last night, when talking to Kr, then I realise how wonderful and detailed is our Daddy God in thinking about me, about each of us. I have been leading Kr close to Lord for the past few months, all the while, I thought Lord wanted her to leave the ex company because Kr has the comfort of the basic salary, so she has a choice whether to trust Lord God or not.

When talking to her over the phone, I realised that Kr also had a good knowledge about her ex company. She need not trust Lord at all, that was what she has been doing. This new company, where Lord wanted her to be, has a vast range of products and the company doesn’t provide basic salary too.

Lord sends her there to learn how to trust Him. Lord has wanted to bless her for years. When Kr just married, Pastor Prince told her that she will be very successful in her job. 10-15 years had passed; Kr has yet to see her blessings, so she has been very unhappy with Daddy God.

Daddy God knew about her problems, He sends me to help her, to bring her close to Lord. However, the situation at work was not favourable place for Kr to learn about trusting Lord. So, Lord wanted her to go to this new company, to slowly learn about trusting Lord. Lord has wanted her to come close to enjoy His love and His blessings. O Daddy God, You are so Almighty and yet You are so lovely. Praise the Almighty Lord! :D

Last night, I was listening to KCM, Sunday sermon, ‘The blessings at Work in the Families’. They showed a section of Pastor David Crank, Jr. of Faith Church St Louis, preaching. In his sermon, he talked about His father has a moped that he loved to ride but the battery was dead on one. They went to a shop to buy a battery, but the shop has no stock. His father paid for the battery and the shop told them that it would be 3-4 weeks before the stock came. They were off to somewhere to preach, but the father did not make it back. He went back to the Lord and that was 3 years ago. David Crank went to the shop, after 8-10 wks after his father death, to collect the battery.

Lord wanted him to share this story in his sermon because David was there and he had seen the father paid the price. He knew what happened, when it happened and what happened. Lord wanted him to tell us, His kids, that He was dying on the cross, paid the price for us to receive everything. We know when it happened, where it happened and how it happened. Lord is such a good Father even better than David’s earthly father that He wrote it down on His last Will and Testament. He was concerned that we won’t get it that He rose from the dead and came back and make sure we get what He, Lord Jesus, had paid for. Praise the Lord!!!

Dear children of God, believe in Lord God love you, He wanted you to get whatever He had provided at the cross. Believe in His love and come close to Him so that you could receive His blessings. Amen!

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