Friday, May 4, 2007

The Beauty of Christ

Recently, I was listening to Pastor Prince Sermon on Holy Communion when I heard the name Smith Wigglesworth being mentioned. Out of curiosity, I went to the net to check him out. From one site, I read that the only book he read was the bible, and he walked closely to Father God and let Father God lead him to where he supposed to go daily. He is known to be very faithful to the Lord. At, I found a book written by Smith Wigglesworth, the title is Ever Increasing Faith.

I have finished reading this book from the site I posted. Wow, nice to know about Lord Jesus from him. Smith was a powerful healer, whoever got prayed by him healed, and even death also was risen up. He wrote a few testimonies where the Lord came during the healing session and healed the person. I was captured by his description of a lady he prayed for. The lady was very sick and at her death bed. Smith prayed a few hours into the night to heal her. She passed away, but Lord Jesus came after that, in His gentle and glorious being, He took a look at the lady. At that moment, death just departed from her. What a beautiful look by the Lord. Praise the Almighty Jesus.

This book let me see a more reality of Father God and Lord Jesus. The easy to understand way that Smith wrote about Lord revealed a real and beauty Lord to me. I learned from Pastor Prince that when Smith died, his body was in perfect condition. I was inspired by him to walk closely to the Lord. I want to be like him, able to heal all sicknesses and cast out the devil, I also want to be able to see Jesus during the healing session. I want to see my beautiful and gentle Lord Jesus. :P

Holy Spirit was so cute! As I was searching on the net for more books by Smith Wigglesworth, HS told me this book is enough. True to His word, I feel good after reading it, and found that the bible was pretty easy to read too. So, I will focus more on the bible from now on. :P Thank You Daddy God for whatever You have done to lead me to where I am currently. I continue to trust Your leading for a better future. I know your plan is always good. Amen!

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