Saturday, May 26, 2007

A New Chapter of My Life

Yesterday was the last of the bible study in NCC. Lord God has new direction for the church. He wants the closure of this unique bible study that exits only in this church. Lord God said we are full from the receiving of His Words, time to share it with others. I don’t know what lies ahead for the church and but I know what lies ahead for me. Yesterday Pastor Prince said that when Lord closes a window, He sure will open a door. Door means bigger opening than the closing. Pastor Prince saw a vision of a slightly opened door with strong rays of lights coming through. It’s God’s Glory coming through. Praise the Lord!

When I heard that there will be openings for us, I asked Lord what’s His opening for me. He said that I will be spending more time on the bible and more time for the family. I have to do this in order to reach where He wants to put me to. :D

On the way home, WK was telling me that when she heard Pastor Prince mentioned about more healing power will come through, her immediate thought was of me. I don’t know what’s on my mind last evening. I could hear all that clearly but don’t know why, I have no idea what to pen down. My eyes were wide open at what was being said, I have to buy the CD to listen over again.

While pondering about the issue again when I reached home, Lord talked to me again. Daddy is confirming my thoughts. He told me that I will be a mighty healer. Whoever I touch will get healed and whoever touches me, will get healed too. Wow, this is in line with the end time prophecy I read at Kenneth Copeland site about Lord God will show wonders and miracles to us. For His Glory, lost limp will grow out immediately, whatever lacking will be filled. I am excited to be part of this almighty army that Lord God is raising up.

Do you want to be in this army?

Lord God wants more people to join His Almighty Army. Requirement is very easy; the only task to do is to believe the Lord totally. Don’t doubt about Him and His existence. Are you keen? :P

Father God, in the Name of Jesus, may the person who ready this post, his or her heart be fire up and open up to receive you into them. May they come forward to be use by you in the mighty way. I pray in Lord Jesus Almighty Name and by Lord Jesus Authority. Amen!

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