Friday, March 23, 2007

It is not meant to be

Wednesday, when I was chatting with YC regarding the baby condition, YC suggested that we continued chatting and see if Father God will show her any vision or give her some words to tell me. She saw an empty green pasture. I was wondering if Father referred to Psalm 23, where he makes me lie down on green pastures…but why the empty field? Today, finally I got the answer. This baby is not meant to be mine. Seem it was not a healthy one from beginning, so the body rejected it. Holy Spirit told me so. He said Father will bless me with a strong and healthy one. Praise Heavenly Father and the Lord!

Yes, I was sad when I came back from the gynae, went to my ex-gynae to see if can save the baby. He is the one, who I went for my first dd, even with threaten abortion and premature delivery; he managed to get me to carry my girl till 39 weeks 6 years ago. I should have gone to him instead. He did a virginal scan and told me no heart beat could be detected from the fetus, so, it’s a gone case one. This gynae ever helped my sister to save her baby even when it was out of the womb. So, I know he can save it if there is still heart beat.

I had a very sad cry when I returned home this morning, all my sadness drained out with the tears. Now I am calm. I praise Father for to give me this experience for previously, when friend told me about their miscarriage experience, I have no clue how it was like. With this experience, I can use it to counsel others better. Praise the Lord!

Guess, I should read and meditate more God Words so that next time round, I can stand firm to whatever situation I face. Angie, thank you for visiting my site regularly. Are you the Angie that Pastor Prince talked about sometime?


Angie said...

Hi Stephanie

This is angie but unfortunately not the angie that Pastor often mention :p The Angie he always speaks about is the worship leader Angie. :)

Just read your post and sorry to hear about your miscarraige. I'm glad you've found your peace. But i'm most glad to hear that you would use this experience to minister to others better :) This is what pastor always says about the devil throwing lemons at us and God turning it into lemonade? ;) Your faith & complete trust in our Daddy God will let you see greater blessings. to be a blessing to others too.

The devil comes to steal, kill & destroy but our God restores! May you be greatly restored to testify of His goodness!


Stephanie said...

Hi Angie,

Don't worry, which ever Angie you are, Father God will use you for His Glory as you move closer to Him. :)

Father God look at our heart when He is searching for His army of people to raise up for His purpose. So, get in line with God's Purpose!
