Tuesday, March 6, 2007

The Lord, My God

Yesterday, I’ve done a pregnancy test and hallelujah, it is positive. Father gave me the vision of bb and a toddler girl just in Jan, in Feb, I made love upon the Lord’s leading once and hallelujah…finally positive. :D

The Lord led me to participate in a chain prayer involved in praying for Singapore. My friend, WK and my sis are involved too. Father is so cute; he led us to pray for others so that he could bless us. He told my friend that her restoration is coming. My sis debts are going to clear soon. Father also told me that He is blessing me with some cash to buy some jewellery for myself and to restore for whatever I lost in term of material goods or time or emotions. Praise the Lord Almighty. Thank you, Father God!

Last night was the meeting for the chain prayer event. From there, I learnt that praying for others, the blessing is more lasting. It will bring blessing into our life; no wonder Father is blessing us. Another thing I learnt was, praying in Spirit, tongue, is about sending Jesus blood, His broken bones and His Fat as incense up to the heaven! That’s why it is such a powerful prayer. Praise the Lord Almighty!

On the way back, Father made me and another aunty thought that we reached our LRT station and we both got off. Then we realized our mistake! Haha..actually Father wanted me to preach to her. While walking to our flats, she shared with me about her daughter is a Christian but she is not. She also shared about her marriage problem. So out pour my overflow of life water. Before we parted, she told me that she will follow her daughter to church. Hallelujah! One thing the Lord disclosed when I was counseling her, we with HS in us, are greater that those people without Christ. As such, devil cannot use those without Christ to come against us, the Christian, as we are more powerful. So devil usually use Christian that are not close to God, manifest in them, and used them to fight with other Christian. What a revelation! No wonder those people I talked to, their problem mainly with another Christian! Praise the Father for such a revelation.

Last week, Father had come to my house twice. Once to anoint me by increasing my healing power from 30% to 60% in 1.5 hrs. Another day, He came to anoint my healing power to 95% in 2 hrs. Phew…Praise the Lord Almighty!


Angie said...

Praise Jesus sister! I rejoice with you. Do check out Jackie Mize's 'Supernatural Childbirth' from the Rock Bookshop. Shalom!

Stephanie said...

Hi Angie,

Thank you for visiting my site. I have read Jackie Mize 'Supernatural Childbirth' but I prefer Nerida Walker 'God's Plan for Pregnancy'. :) Her teaching more like Pastor Prince style.

Angie said...

oh really? i haven't heard of Nerida Walker but will do so since you recommend it. :) tks!