Friday, January 19, 2007

My journey on health

Father has been great to me daily. Ever since He through my friends, showed me my reading of bible is very slow..hehe..I didn’t read :P till now reading what HS told me to read, I was feeling kind of drag, stressed. Then this morning, while showering, HS told me to read Galation 3:10 All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law." The moment I saw this, I woke up and told myself not to labour in reading. Now I am back to my happy and blessed feeling and leaning on Father’s Love for me. ;) I am His beloved. :)

Ok, back to where I end yesterday:

Around this time, I could only know mentally that Father is a very loving God and He love me very much. But as I couldn’t feel anything from Him, I wondered what His ‘loving-kindness’ in Psalm 103:4 (NKJV) is. When I went to my Discovery course that Sunday afternoon, my teacher disclosed this in the class. This was what he said: A mum and a kid went shopping. Kid got away from mum, fell down and was crying. Security guard saw him and came over to pacify him. This act is called kindness. When the mum found the kid and saw that he hurt himself, the mum felt heart pain, and keep hugging tightly and kissing him and checking where he has hurt himself. This act is loving-kindness. The next morning, as I was thinking of this loving kindness, POMP, Father gave me a revelation that His love for me was/is so many millions times more …as He is a God. Finally, I could feel His LOVE. :)

Since D could not pin me down by my fear, he came for my health as I walked closer and closer to Jesus and trusting Him more and more.

I saw a lump growing at the right side of my neck, to about 2 cm big. Luckily I have long hair, so not visible to others. As I trusted that In Jesus Strips, I am healed, I did not bother about it. About 2-3 weeks later, I needed to visit the doctor. I asked the doctor to look at my lump too. The doctor referred me to an ENT specialist as it had to do with lymph problem.

On 16th Nov 2006, Thursday morning, Holy Spirit told me that Holy Father loves me. That late morning, I went for my appointment with the specialist for ear, nose n throat. After checking my inner nose region, and a biopsy done on the lump, doctor told me that I might have cancer. A few tests have to be carried out based on the biopsy result. I wasn't affected by what the doctor told me because I got this revelation of Father's love, he has a purpose for me to do and I won't die as yet. I know Father need me to do His earthly job.

Following Monday, my Holy Spirit told me in the morning that I am Holy Father's beloved. I was so happy then. He also told me not to worry, my lump will be ok. That day, doctor showed me the biopsy report; I had abnormal cells in my lymph node. Doctor was suggesting CT scan to check any cancer cells around nose region. If nothing resulted from the nose test, then have to remove my lymph to test.

As I am planning for a baby, I was not sent for CT scan yet. I was to wait. Anyway, I wasn't worry as I know I will be well, by HS assurance. A week later, I went for another appointment with the doctor to see how my lymph nodes had developed. By Father and Jesus Grace, the smaller lymph nodes that was previously around, were gone. The big swollen one was reduced from 2cm to 1 cm. Hallelujah!!!

On the way home, at the MRT station, one lady was speaking loudly into her phone regarding her relative suffering from lymph node cancer and have to go through many tests, treatments etc. I told myself it would not happen to me. That night, HS showed me a vision of that lady talking about lymph cancer, I then realised that Lord Jesus have prevented my sickness from getting to that serious stage. Praise the Lord!

I was inflicted with twice with UTI (Urinary Track Infection) too. The first time, I was already in church premises. I could feel the urge to go toilet. As I walked towards the washroom, d flashed a evil smiling face of him to me. That morning, I kept telling myself that In Jesus strips, I am healed and I am under the protection of Jesus wing and standing on the shadow of the wing. I resisted throughout the church session. However, as I was queuing for the toilet at a MRT station, I look at my own faith and felt weak. D then forced me to pee uncontrollably at the queue. It did make me looked like those that could not control the bladder, but I know it was d evil deed. Luckily, whatever d threw at me, Father sure provided a way out for me. I decided to take cab home, but there was a long queue for taxi and few taxis came. I prayed to Father to clear the queue fast. Then I saw people in front of me all calling for cab! Soon, it was my turn, and Father sent a nice car-liked taxi to me. :)

The next church session was at Indoor Stadium. As I was going up the stadium, I could feel d trying another UTI on me again. This time, I stayed strong to Jesus Faith. I resisted by strongly believe that ‘In Jesus stripes, I am healed’ and I am under the wing of Jesus and standing in His shadow…in His protection. This time round, I was in victory and I could enjoy my church session.

It was on the eve of Christmas. In the church service, Pastor announced that my Hyper-thyroid was healed. I had confirmed it with my Holy Spirit. Previous, the Thyroid doctor told me that I must take the medicine for life as my condition was not stable. That day, Father also showed me Isaiah 61, to preach the Gospel to the world.

On the eve of New Year, while singing praise songs in church service, Father straightened my lower back. I could feel a force came on me and lifted my spinal upwards. Previous I could not sleep flat in bed as I could not rest my lower back, the legs had to be bended up to let my back rest. Also I could not stand long. Now, this problem has gone to pass. :)

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