Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Your Kingdom Come

Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭9-13‬
'Pray, therefore, like this: 
Our Father Who is in Heaven, 
Hallowed (kept holy) be Your Name. 


Give us This Day our Daily Bread. 

And Forgive us Our Debts, 
as we also have forgiven 
(left, remitted, and let go of the debts, and 
have given up resentment against) our debtors. 

And Lead (bring) us Not Into Temptation, but 
Deliver us From the Evil One. 

For Yours is the Kingdom and 
the Power and the Glory Forever. Amen.'

Why Lord Jesus wants us to pray 'Your Kingdom come, Your Will be Done, On Earth as it is In Heaven, instead of take us away to be with You?

He is telling us He is coming back on Earth, to do the Will of the Father, this 2nd Coming is to transform our bodies, as Heaven is, so are we in this World!!! Glory Glory!!!

To Rapture at this point of time is a selfish act that The Lord will not do!!! His Heart is for as many people to know Him and accept Him!!!

Currently, the scenario is not so, so impossible for Rapture at this majority point of time!!! It is not the Will of the Father to leave so many of His Children still no idea of who He is and take a portion of those who knows and accepted Him away!!!

He needs His Children, those that accepted Jesus to be the Light, the salt, the Letter, so that the World knows and come to accept Jesus!!! This is His Time!!!

When Jesus ascended after He was risen He did not say that we will be taken away like Him but say that He will descend back to earth the same way He has Ascended!!! Glory Glory!!!

So it is the Goodness of God we are going to experience, as Heaven is, so are we in this world!!!

I did not even need to convince Su, my sister as she told me she saw our dad before he was going up to Heaven. She said he was just like his married photo; slim and young and handsome! Not the fat belly and aged body!!!! This transformation is going to happen!!!

The Dead in Christ already got this body!!! It's time for those that alive and remain to be conform to this Heavenly Body that is young, slim and good looking!!! Glory Glory!!!! I am looking forward to it!!!

Surely we will be the Bright Light for this cursed World!!! Surely many would like their bodies to be young again!!! The man's dream of wanting their wife not to change bodily will happen and everyone will be happy!!! Hallelujah!!! Amen Amen!!!

Time is near as all prophesy are fulfilled and the only left over is His Kingdom come, His Will be Done! On Earth as it is in Heaven!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

John‬ ‭20‬:‭26
'Eight days later His Disciples were AGAIN in the house, and Thomas was with them. 
Jesus came, though they were behind closed doors, and stood among them and said, 
Peace to you!'

It is after 8 days, after the Judgment  that Jesus will come again with all those that are Raptured before the Judgment to show the disbelieve about Him and salvation for the last lot before the Earth and Heaven will burn up and all Satan forces judge to Lake of Fire and a New Earth and New Heaven is created for His Children to live forever and ever!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

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