Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Ox Anointing

I just listened to Patricia King, The Ox Anointing. Well, I find comfort in all that she said about what she felt as an Ox, the labouring Anointing of the Lord.

Having walked all these years with the Lord. I know the important of all these training and come face to face with all that is coming against me. Hallelujah!!! Lord led me to church healing room on last Sunday to let the leader of the healing team pray on me.

I know how to go about praying but Lord led me to be as silent as a sheep to let them do their job!!! Well, what I see was fear on the leader even though he was helping me to pray. I was wondering what kind of expression he was having as he prayed in agreement with the leader!!!

I realised it was fear even though he trust in the Lord and tried his best to help me. Glory Glory!!! Maybe it's Lord's way of telling me that's why I need to go through all these. As mountains are conquered, one will realise there is nothing to fear!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

As this month of March is not easy for me. It was hard and I do get into negativity of the hardness of the walk. Lord impressed me to look for prophesy in the YouTube for 2014 and I finally found Patricia King's The Ox Anointing.  These is after a few displeasure of can't find one that speaks to me. Lord do knows how to work His Way through.... Praise Jesus!!!

The labouring of an Ox in a hard ground to plough with no one understanding what I am doing and in everybody mind is a Big Question Mark is what I am encountering on whoever I shared about Lord's End Time job!!!

Also, the suffering that comes with it and the daily process and the nightly process is really, making me look like the Ox she was talking. I do wonder if I will able to walk finish the paths! I was suck to lost conscious and fallen asleep in odd position and in the day time also all kinds of attacks. The suffering and suffering is what I wonder will I ever reach the end but Lord let Patricia experience it spiritually and speak to my life when I need it most.

I know I need to wait for Lord to open His Glorious Door to me; the one He shown Pastor Prince when Bible Study was shut down fully for me to concentrate in Him. There are many small doors opening to me but I know those are not the doors that Lord wants me to go through as He has already told me His Way and His Door!!!

It so beautiful the way Patricia King has gone through for that is exactly what I am going through and thank Lord that she reached the end and cried at the feet of Jesus!!! I suffered so much that sometime, it's hard to find my tears!!!

It's endurance, endurance and more endurance. It's patience, patience and more patience!!! I know the end of the rainbow is a pot of Gold but this suffering is eating me. So to hear from Patricia about the hardness of the ploughing field but she must continue and surely she will reach the end is Lord telling me that I will reach the end of His Journey!!! Glory Glory!!!

I know it's not about me but all about Him. For I realise that when I need to wake up, Lord will wake me up no matter what!!! So, even in the suffering He put me through to train me, there are window of Grace where He said stop a moment for things to be done. Haha...

It's all about His Grace to pull me through all these as it is a needed path. Just like Lord Jesus in His Final Moment of Life. He knew that He will be resurrected and He knew that He will sit on Abba's Right Hand, but the suffering before the Cross and on the Cross was not easy to walk through but it is needed!!! And Grace is provided for us to walk through the treacherous ground to strengthen our faith in Him!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

Abba Father, by the Grace of Jesus, I plead the blood of Jesus over and into the veils of those that come against me and my whole family tree! I pray that You open their eyes by the Grace of Jesus to see Abba Father, You love them so much and has sent Jesus Christ to be judged for their sins and they are fully forgiven if they receive Christ and accept His Finished Work for them. On behalf of them, I pray in the Name of Jesus! Amen Amen!!!

Abba Father, I pray that By the Grace of Jesus, You let them know that there is therefore No Condemnation in Christ Jesus and so that they could sin no more!!! I pray on behalf of them, I pray in the Name of Jesus! Amen Amen!!!

Abba Father, I pray that by the Finished Work of Christ Jesus, You restore the life of me and all my family tree!!! I pray in the Name of Jesus!!! Amen Amen!!! Abba Father, I thank You that You heard me and it shall be done in the Name of Jesus!!! Amen Amen!!!

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