Saturday, December 28, 2013

My Mum is Dead!

On 24th Morning, I received a text message from my eldest sister that mum had passed away! I just back from the wake and the cremation and her final resting place!!!

Through these 5 days, it was just busy and busy. Thank Lord that there are 5 of us here to take turn for doing the grave yard shift!!! Glory Glory!!!

After a year of trapping inside a dead body, my mum finally prayed to the Lord to take her back!!! I went with Su last week to pray for her. Su's prayer was to ask Lord if He really want to heal her, to bring her back to health, otherwise, she prayed an agreement prayer with what my mum wished to have that Lord to fulfill it. And Lord led her home.

On Christmas eve morning 8:30 am but as no doctor wanted to come to certify her death, and brother according to my mum wish, prefer a Chinese funeral, got my uncle to help find a doctor and that young doctor came at around 11am and certified that she was dead at 11:30am!!!

The wakes was even more weird! It's not according to the funeral I used to know but apparently, it was a situation they used to set curse on me!!! But I thank Jesus is faithful!!! I did not want to sit amid the idols and bow down to them while the Chinese priest was chanting and my relatives weren't happy!!! But honouring Lord is more important to me than respect their wish and submit to the idols!!!

I got a feeling that they anyhow do the funeral and not according to normal procedure!!! Not that it bothers me much but I am thankful to the Lord for opening the door and led my parents to Christ that now they are both happily in heaven!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

What they don't know is no matter what they did, be it the proper procedure or not, it is not this that would bring the soul of a person to heaven. If they could, Jesus need not die!!!

I thank Lord that He answered the prayer of Su and me to increase the fire in the burner so that my mum's bones will break down to ashes, it was only small parts of bones was left and it filled half the box that was given to us. The man in charged knocked the bones smaller and we were told to fill them in the urn that my mum had prepared long ago ourselves, but thank Jesus that this is not hard, just that we found the urn was wet and had to dry it first.

Now that everything is over, I am at peace!!! There are 7 sets of 7 weeks that we had to pray for my mum but I don't really want to go as it was a cultural thing but does not affect my mum's position in Christ and enjoying the love of God in Heaven!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

What important is mum soul and spirit is now with the Lord, whatever matters she is now in the Lord, nothing can affect this standing as it is secured in Jesus Blood and by His Death at the Cross for those who believe in Him. Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

I wonder will she be playing that amazing playground that was shared by someone or will she tried the flying school. I am excited for her!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

She is so happy up there that she talked to me 4 days in a row!!! I am so pleased that finally she can see that Jesus is real and what I shared to her is real!!! Glory Glory!!!

And, the most important thing is she is finally with dad again!!! This is what she had been missing him so much that now she is back with him, both of them are enjoying each other again!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

I am so pleased that I don't really bother what they did to her body as she is enjoying life in Heaven!!! I thank Lord Jesus for He had done a Finished Work at the Cross that no man can reverse what You bless!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

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