Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Man of GOD

I am sadden when in these last days, to hear other man of God, like Perry Stone and Sid Roth come together to condemn the finished work of Christ! They said as if Upholding Jesus for all He had done is not enough, there is a moral law for man to handle!!!

How can they said those who preached about Jesus, discard the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation!!! In their ignorance, they spoke such lies and they are so ignorance that they did not know that Ps Prince preached from the Old and even from Revelation!!!

Through Christ, Holy Spirit leads us to walk upright to His Calling and when we believe in Him, Right Believing leads to Right Behaviour!!!

Probably, they have not walk that close to Lord to realise what He could do!!! I was proud years ago and when I asked Him if I was proud, how am I to do His Work?? Lord led me through a situation that after that, the pride was gone.

I didn't know I have this self pride that never bow down to man and Lord led me through another test that I had to give up all of my self value to be ready to be a 'prostitute' that Lord said I passed the test and this self valuation, also a form of pride was gone.

By Grace, Lord leads me to walk closely to Him and lead me to know His Time table. It is not as what they tried to find from the bible but with Holy Ghost as the tutor, no guessing work is needed. What I need is just to spend quiet time with Him daily that He disclosed His Plan to me.

I need not do any guess work and even the 1000s year reign I know, as He raise me up for this very purpose!!! They can talk all they want but like Noah, who was given the task to build the ark, he knew the time table of the Lord!!!

Why Lord make it so easy for us to walk closely? Without this, how is He able to use us for His Purpose sake??? But I not glory to what I have done. I know it's His Grace that had given me great Faith to know All that He said is real!!! I just let Him do all that He wants through me!!!

When I trust Him much, even church prosecuting me but Lord showed His Glory in me and through me for Ps Prince to realise, I am raise by Him and not to walk the way of the devil to prosecute me. Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

I know them who do behind the scene, even Jc going to the doctor or me going to the dentist, they interfered to make wrong administration. Well, Lord is looking to all that they are doing, He always give me an inner knowing of their evilness!!! I pray to Lord to have mercy on them in His Judgement in what they had committed.

Lucifer though Abba Father had no idea of his plan to over thrown Him. But actual fact is Lord is waiting to see which angels go to him and which angels is still faithful to Him. On due time, a 1/3 of the angelic forces was cast down from heaven for coming against God the Father!!! Hallelujah!!! Amen Amen!!!

Now the Son of God, Jesus Christ is returning, they put evil thoughts in the one that could carry out his plan to stop Jesus manifestation. But Lord would not take no from him. Jesus death on the Cross and His Resurrection to sit on the right side of God the Father, shows us His Work is completed successfully and no evilness could come against Him!!!

If those who tried to conquer Israel but each time they tried, they lost big time and even their land, how would Lord not help me in this small island state!!! He will not allow anyone to disrupt His Plan and He has a way with them. Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

The innocent blood of many is crying to Him and He heard them. In due time, it shall be seen. I am just a mere woman and my part is to rest and see Him bring everything to Past. I am not one who likes to make enemy that even ex who till now still bringing curses into this home, I forgive him. He thought that I don't know what he is doing, but I know it all. It's a matter if I want to make a fuss or not!!! But I have forgiven him and even giving him this apartment even though I still no clue where I am heading next!!!

Can I afford a lawyer to fight my case to get half of what I deserved? Yes, I have the ability, but I am not doing it!!! I took that as a back pay for all these years he had spent on me. Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

I pray that all these men of God, opened their eyes to know Jesus intimately and come to realise without Him, how are they able to walk morally? How is one able to see a woman and not commit sin? Talk about moral when they in their ignorance, don't know man couldn't!!!

 Are they as proud as those ancient children of God, who boasted of their ability to do whatsoever the Lord God commanded. In the end, they built a Golden Calf to worship and thus, broke the 1st law of should not have other god!!! When one boast in their ability, this law strengthened sin as the bible said!!! But they are still blinded in their eyes!!! I pray to Abba Father to forgive their ignorance!!!

At this end time, we all should meditate and talk to Lord to know each of our destiny in Him!!! It's not by power, not by strength, but by His Spirit!!! I Glorified Lord for leading me closely and revealed so much to me. I am honoured to be called by You! Hallelujah!!! Amen Amen!!!

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