Friday, September 30, 2011

Jesus, the Provider

I guess, with 21 months still remaining at home after the divorce finalised, should have rised many questions in the heart of many of you. I know my siblings do, my mum is in my inner loop, so she knows and is comforted. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

However, as I want to show Jesus as the Provider, I will talk from long before that! Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

In the bible, even in church, pastor will share that whatever we have, is a blessing from the Lord! We are just giving back 10% as a tithe to Him, planting seeds into His Kingdom, recognising him as the truth and living God. Many think that this amount of money is gone for good, some righteous one will even said to 'help' God in His Mission work or building churches etc. But, the truth is, nothing of that sort!

In the bible, there are seeding and harvest time. Whatever you need, seed it and you will get a harvest in due time. This is tested out by people, planting corns and tithe 10% to church, their plantation grow so much that they impart the knowledge to farmers to profit them. Glory Glory!

Personally, Lord walks with me since young. I did talk a lot to Him even I didn't know Him then. When I started working, Lord get me interested in the stock market. He rose the activities in there for me to profit. He gave me knowledge which stock to buy and when to sell. I just had that inner knowing of how to go about it. This trading double my savings then. Glory to Jesus!

Lord prepared me with that profit then when I accepted Him, He got me to tithe to His New Church, 50% of my saving. Many should remember that the other 50% was spent blessing sisters, family members and personal spending till it was zero, that I had to get S$1000 from ex to top up my account!

So, how am I to live? Faced divorce and not working? Lord gave ex heart to give me $1500 monthly ever since the divorce was concieved. If you remember, before that, he had actually stopped giving me personal allowance of $1000 for 2 years before that.

This wife maintenance lasted till July 2010. Then he stopped, but when he stopped, Lord got the govt concerned that divorced women not getting paid and set up a law on it. Ex got fightened that in November 2010, he started giving me $500 again. Is that my only suvival package?

No! Lord led me to sell away some old coins that was getting out of fashion and of not much value. With that, I managed to get $800. Lord rise gold price and showed my mum where she could sell and get good returns. Then I took those small little one and those I didn't fancy one to see off. Lord is so good that He made me like some when I was selecting, for after that when I see them again, I do not like, but it was given by mum, so He knows she concerned about it. Praise Jesus!

When this good amount of sales I got from gold is running low, I was thinking how poor I was. Then I realised in Christ, I should proclaim rich if I want to see my life changed. So I started to proclaiming I am rich and see that I am rich! Glory Glory!

When I proclaimed that I am rich, Lord opened my eyes to see an insurance that I bought when Jc was borned. The payable amount was not to my advantage as I had sickness record. So, Lord told me this insurance is not favourable to me and told me to liquidate it. I had and got S$20+K. Glory to Jesus!

The Glorious part is not this S$20+K, it is for 9 months, I have been spending on this amount, I draw all I need and lifestyle is still the same; I still ordered deliveries and pampered myself whenever I wanted. I even brought Jc to Hong Kong and bought a notebook! The Amazing thing is not this amount.

The Amazing thing is Lord Miracle of 5 loaves 2 fish is working on this amount. No matter how I spend, the amount of money remain is never fall short of S$2K, it always remained at about that level. This is 9 months into the spending and even tithing to Lord whenever I receive S$50 blessing from 2nd sister and from mum.

Do you think tithing and seeding into God's Kingdom and believing Him that He is a living God and Jesus had died for my proverty and in Him I am rich! Works? Yes, it works! For Who I have is a True Living God and His Word is the Truth!

Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You are my Provider. Glory that you told me to sell away my remainding stock recently so that I am not affected by the recent loosing ground. I thank You that You are alive in my life! Glory to Jesus! Amen Amen!

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