Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Lord talk to me on Sunday

It’s a long time since I could catch Lord talking to me via Pastors. Sunday was lots of talking from Him to me. :D

Recently, I have a few doubts running in me. I have prayed to Lord Jesus that by His strips, He had removed all the pimples and piles some time back. Instead of seeing it reduced, I saw more of it appearing. I wondered what happened.

Lord on Sunday through Pastor Prince, he said that in army, they were taught that before running away from enemy, they were to shoot one last round of fire before escaping quickly. He said that’s the way devil works too. His pointing this out make me realise it’s the same old trick devil used. Yet, over long period of peace, I had forgotten about it and wondered instead. With Lord’s reminder, I decided to believe in that Lord Jesus had done a perfect work on the cross and surely all the pimples and the piles will be things of the past. Praise the Lord for this reminder. :D

Looking at Su’s marriage life getting blessed, I was wondering when mine would happen. Hubby and I used to be very loving. Each time I wondered, Pastor Prince would preach about we are not to look to husband or wife for love. As we demand more from our partner, the more disappointed we will be, for our partner is not God. He said we need to put Jesus in the middle, as the 3rd party in the marriage.

For each time the above is mentioned, I would wonder how to put Jesus in the midst of my marriage. On Sunday, Lord is being naughty. He was with me during my courtship time. As hubby and me were from long distance relationship, it was hard in the beginning, to be longing for each other and yet could not meet. Talking on the phone was the next better way of connection then.

At that time, there wasn’t internet phone, so calling through the local phone lines was expensive. Yet, because we missed each other, we took a long time to hang off the phone each time. Lord let Pastor Prince acted it out on Sunday and it really hit on me that I used to do it. Haha…Lord leads me to recall hubby and mine courtship days. It’s fun to go back there, fond memories surfaced and brought a smile back to me.

Finally, now I could catch what Pastor meant when he said put Jesus in the midst of the marriage. I am to sink in the love of Jesus and Father God and let this love fill me. With this filling, I will be nicer to hubby and result will be both of us nicer to each other. Praise the Lord for this leading. :D

Lord Jesus, Daddy God, thank You for helping me recall the past, courtship time is always the most memory time. As hubby and I talked about it, we are being drawn closer to each other. Praise the Lord! Amen!

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