Saturday, December 15, 2007

Lord of My Life

Thursday night did not turn out good for my mum. My dad went to the toilet at 3am and at 6am, both times he fell down. My mum had a hard time getting him up. She was so tired and worn out that she could not take it any longer. She, who can take most suffering in silence, finally called out for help.

Sis-in-law was there at 5pm on Friday evening. She could see dad could not control his pee and poo. Brother called for an emergency meeting among all 5 of us, the son and daughters at parents’ home. I prayed for Lord’s hand to be manifested in my parents’ home and plead the blood of Jesus over the whole apartment. I also did that for the 5 of us plus our parents. In additional, I get Lord to remove all our emotions. :D

On Friday morning, Lord impressed me to get a urine container that hospital used, for dad. He also impressed Su to send her 2 sons to assist mum over the weekdays 24 hrs/daily. Lord told me that He will heal dad in a week time and He told Su that her sons will only be needed to be there for 2 weeks.

With this information from Lord Almighty, sis and I headed towards my parents home last night. When I was there, mum and sis-in-law went to checkout her daughter new baby sitter. I was telling my brother and eldest sister, Ad, about WK’s uncle, whom I had lay hand, is now not using oxygen tube to breath. His previously cancer lungs are able to produce oxygen to the body. I mentioned about WK’s uncle had a few incidents of some sickness happening while at home, but in the hospital, he was fine.

Suddenly, I realised it was an attack that dad was going through. I decided to cover his room in the anointed oil. As mum’s home don’t have olive oil, I used canola oil and told Lord that I take that as olive oil that Lord Jesus had sacrificed for dad. I called on Daddy God, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit to anoint and sanctify the oil. Then I get Holy Spirit to come in me and lead me to place the anointed oil around the room. Praise the Lord, mum was the opposing one and as she was not at home, I was able to place the oil in the requested place. Su and I also cast all the disturbing spirits away from dad and prayed in the spirit. Praise the Lord!

When the 5 of us finally arrived, we had our peaceful discussion. Lord was in me and Su to lead us. Su and I convinced the rest to trust the Lord for the healing. We disallowed them to discuss ‘if things didn’t turn out as it should be’ talk, as we know Daddy God and Lord Jesus will surely deliver what He promised. Lord turned their suggestion of maid down as He promised that dad will be fully healed and can function independently by then. Finally, even though my disbelieving siblings have some doubt, but praise the Lord, it’s because of Su and my faithfulness, Lord is going to heal dad, but we both know it was His Great Grace and Great Mercy at work. Hallelujah.

During the discussion, Su said Lord told her there were angles guarding the house just that we didn’t believe. On the way home, Lord disclosed to me that 10 angles are stationed at parents place. Both I and Su were so happy about Lord Jesus faithfulness in leading us and in healing my dad. Hallelujah!

This morning, I called mum early in the morning, mum told me that she and dad slept through the night, praise the Lord!!! Su and I could see that mum and dad had their good rest last night. Mum is relaxed and dad looks a lot healthier as compared to a day and 2 earlier.

Btw, late Friday morning, I was still sad over dad situation, I was crying when I told 2nd sis about what happened the night before. After a great cry, suddenly it dawn on me that I could do something about it instead of sink myself in despair. It’s like a light bulb has suddenly turned on. I decided to cast the strife spirit away from my parents’ home. When I completed praying in the spirit, Lord told me that I passed my test!!! For a moment, I was puzzled then I realised this is a test for my faith in the Lord too. Praise the Lord.

The panic mood on Friday event was finally thing of the past. Today, we have a wonderful time gathering at parents home. Praise the Lord for the blessing.

Daddy God, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit, thank You for Your blessings and leading in this rough time. Even when lemons are thrown into the family, You always turn them into tasty lemon juice. Praise Your Almighty Lord Hands for blessing my parents in peace and praise Your wonderful and perfect work at the Cross that made healing possible. Thank You for your faithfulness in leading Su and I as always. Hallelujah! Amen!

1 comment:

Bill Dotson said...


I happened upon your post through a Google Alert I set up on the phrase, "plead the blood". You might be interested in reading what God showed me about that phrase at: Scroll down to Plead The Blood. I plead the blood over my family every day.

And, there are angels assigned to each of us; ministering angels, sent to assist us. They are powerful and we need to let them do their work and not hinder them by speaking fear and defeat. You are exactly right, you have authority over evil spirits through the Holy Spirit in you and the name of Jesus! Be blessed!
