Tuesday, January 14, 2014

My Journey with the Lord

I thought, tested since 2008 till now, I thought I have it all. But yesterday, I was told that I am to go to my mum home for a couple of months to continue being tested again. It does not sound good especially I woke up this morning with a dark shadow walked off my bedroom after all the sucking of my life.

Basically, even this is the year of Greater Glory, I am suffering more!!! Lord promised me of the blessed life seem hard to get. I wondered if Lord Jesus gone through all that as He was tested for and fasted for 40 days in the desert.

Basically Lord is putting me to walk the path that my mum walk through and now she is in Heaven. Praise Jesus! Maybe to show a different result???

Deserted by a man, deserted by my own child and now push to where I don't want to go, even just for a couple of months, it's as if I am ripped open to be examined inside out!!! With no security in her house, I just leave it to the Lord what He aim to be....

I thought trusting Him is easy, but as He pushed me deeper to be tested, I just have to accept it and move on.

Su messaged me to fight with ex for the half share of my entitlement of this house, but I rather look to the Lord for provision. Why get into the strife of this world? I rather flow with the Lord! As it is, isn't there enough of trouble each day, Lord said do not pick up Trouble nor to fear!!!

I don't know why Lord want me to walk this path. Now I am like the Children of Israel; I wondered tortured in the loveless marriage better or now in the current state of my girl rather stick with her dad and dad want me to get out of this house today.

It sounded like the most cursed life of sell and no one want to buy!!! But Lord want me to go in a live a life out of it for a couple of months. It's like the bride of Israel must soaked in living water for a couple of months to purify them for their great day. But where I go, guess is a further purification of my soul to walk with the Lord in humility and in understanding of the suffering of people!

Am I at the worst of worst, I guess not! As Lord at the Cross did a Perfect Work for me, how can I in deep shit!!! As He is, so am I in this world. I am called to reign through Him, not to be a chicken, but an eagle!!!

Lord promised it shall not be long and I believe in Him. After all, my mum house has to be sold. I am just temporary taking a cover there for the time being. Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen

This will be my last post here. What I have shared is enough for those who wants to walk with the Lord to read and learn. What has to be said is said. Lord has impressed me to stop posting. I might not sign up a internet access and so, this will be next few months of going deeper into the Lord. Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

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