Tuesday, May 21, 2013

To Walk By Grace

Lately, I have meditated a lot lesser but spend much time in the internet surfing. I was feeling guilty of not talking much to Lord that I apologised to Him. But He still show His Love and still assured me that He is using me.

I was wondering why He so good to me till I get another sermon of Pastor Prince from the special telecast in TBN today!!! Now I realised Lord loves sinners, in whatever form of your lacks. As we look to Him, He is able to lift us out!!! Glory Glory!!!

Jc's classmate mum was asking me how to talk to Holy Spirit. Well, Lord does not hate sinners, He loves sinners. Who He dislike are those legalistic people in the bible, who think so much of themselves, flowing in their pride. So, Lord loves to talk to those who feel nothing of themselves and seek the fullness of Him!!!

The bible said the least will get into Heaven first. This is the reason. Those who have nothing have to rely on Him, who have plenty. Those that feel they have satisfactory, need not go to Him much, as such, even though they might be born again Christian, they didn't hear His Voice for their are too occupied with their own thoughts!!! Amen Amen!!!

Through Pastor Prince talking about his confession of sin and people think weird of him, I realised my binding of the satan out of my life is doing to the same effect. I am letting satan press my button and I react to his disturbance. I have to turn back to look at Lord Finished Work and He has judged the scull of the devil when His Cross crushed the scull!!! Hallelujah!!! Amen Amen!!!

I will by the Grace of Jesus holds on to the obedient of Christ is my rest. It is not about my obedient or disobedient, but it's Christ obedient to the will of Father, the God that we are Justified and make Holy in Him!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

Abba Father, thank You for loving me so much and thank You for that Glorious House that You are blessing me!!! Hallelujah!!! I can't wait to live in it!!!! Thank You, Lord!!! I praise You for You are Good and Your Mercy endures forever!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen

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