Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Healing

From that fateful day on the 9th December 2012, mum was finally fallen into her sickness journey and at this moment, had gone through much torture and suffering! My focus was devil cursing her and Jesus healing her.

Never was my focus at what might come out from all these trials. It took this selfish family, each of us have our own family unit and none of our family is really that good with another family! Even the 2nd sis whom I think highly to have a heart of gold also fallen down in her mercy!

But Lord said no matter what good or bad, it all good for us. I heard it from Pastor Prince long ago and last night watching Jeremy Lin, the NBA basket ball player, testimony, and what Lord revealed to me this morning, then I realise the truth of this verse!!!

As you know, in this big family, only Su and I believe in Jesus and the rest not. But mum do believe in Jesus for healing but she also holds on to her other gods and ancestors praying. Cat, my 2nd sis holds on to the goodness of Lord's blessing but otherwise, her patience had run out of Lord healing of mum.

The 2nd MRI is out and mum's brain is about 80% facing trials. I had prayed many times for her, even pastor, deacon, had prayed for her. However, the great news that what the best doctor in this great hospital is that my mum would become a vege after all the drilling of holes into her brain to collect some sample and use medicine to treat her. Mind you, all medicines have side effect too!!!

I see that as no solution for mum at all, Su too. Sis did not understand, but after explained to her finally she got it. Head of the department, the professor, wanted us to allow him to drill mum's head. Su and me disagree. Eldest sis after getting the clear picture also disagreed. But brother and Cat agrees.

Doctor called sis yesterday and sis told him no to biopsy and medicine as it would lead mum to become a vege. Doctor replied that even if she does not go for it, eventually she will be a vege too!!!

So, with the best of doctors, their solution is to give mum a life without a soul!!! He said it so confidently, can live and can eat!!!

I am glad that at this last bus-stop, Jesus is there waiting!!! Sis on realising mum condition, looked to Jesus for answer!!! Brother and Cat look to Jesus today, as revealed by Lord!!!

Mum trusting us to bring her out of hospital, or friends and relatives, she finally realise only Jesus could help her! Lord said she passed her commitment to the idol to Him and told Him that if He healed her, she will submit to Him and Him alone!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

Siblings usually brushed Su and I aside in their pride of this world, but Lord lead all of them to this stage where no more worldly ways they could trust anymore!!! Glory Glory!!!!

Lord said now all my family hearts are as one, healing finally could manifest in mum!!!! Even though devil created a havoc in mum's health, Lord uses it to shine His Glory through!!!

He let me realise it's a story of Balaam and Barak too. The king engaged Balaam to curse Israel, in the end, God used his mouth to bless Israel no matter they went up to mountains or down to valley!!! Through this mishap, Lord turned it to a blessing to bring all my family members to look to Christ!!! Hallelujah!!! Amen Amen!!!

With all of us ONE heart, I know mum will be restored with double blessing just like Job!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!! Hallelujah!!! Amen Amen!!!

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