Monday, May 7, 2012

Thank You, Jesus!

I am so grateful to Lord Jesus intervention the more I know about ex's intention. Lord is so kind hearted that He don't want me to suffer much in daily life and in him having a evil heart! Lord described him as wolf under sheep skin!!! Glory Glory!!!

The more he revealed to me, the more I am grateful for Lord to lead me out in my ignorance! Glory Glory! Amen Amen! I am so happy to walk so closely to Lord Jesus to slowly glazing His Words like a sheep! Each small steps I walk, though it didn't mean much to me, but spiritually Lord is abled to rise up in me more and more.

Within these 5 years. Lord has risen so much in me that He could come through me as and when He wanted to speak to someone. Glory Glory! Amen Amen! Such anointing I am happy to be of much use to Him, the Mighty One! I need not worry about my next job nor my next meal. Each and every step are well planned by Him alone. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Now that ex confirmed his relationship with a Malay divorcee, I thought my intimate photos taken in early of our relationship should be deleted off from his storage. The main concern is I do not want his new girl to see them. But ex said that's for him to keep. This is not what alarmed me. What he said next was he could use them to blackmail me when I am rich is what appalled me!!!

With all these daily curses to get me out of here is still not enough! Giving him all the profit of this house, which now stands at S$300K++, is not enough. He wants to dig out as much from me as possible!!! I never know a man as evil as him. No wonder Lord wanted me out of this marriage!!!

He is telling his new girl that our divorce is dued to my crazy Christianity ideas.He hide himself so well behind all his lies. His decent face, naughty personality and good income, hides his real nature, the evilness of his heart.

Long ago, when I first know him, I was wondering why his ex left him till he could not trace where her about. Now I know it's better not to let him know about anything of me. The more he knows, he will try to lay his hand on them. What a lot of troubles I get myself into, but blessedness, I have a Mighty God with me, that whatever I did wrong, it will not be able to haunt me. He will not let me be shamed!!! Glory Glory! Amen Amen!!!

Abba Father, I thank You for all that You have done for me!!! I am very thankful for all Your Leadings!!! I know fully well that You mean well for me at each step of leading even though I might not understand and it might look bad in my sight! But as times goes, the truth is revealed and I could see clearly the truth of things. Thank You, Abba Father!!! Glory to all that Lord Jesus had done on the Cross that Grace and Mercy can flow freely to me!!! Hallelujah!!! Hallelujah!!! Amen Amen!!!

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