Saturday, December 31, 2011

The End To Be

This year 2011 is such a long year. All things bad surely have to come to an end. The Good will surely starts in 2012. The anointed 12 of the bible. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

This year I see lots of change. The patience of Su runs thin till she turns away from fellowshipping with me and told me that I am guided by the devil. I wonder which devil lead Child of God to meditate the bible and which Holy Spirit lead Child of God to get away from meditation the bible, the most intimacy one could with Lord Himself.

I am glad that after a year long of hearing No, No, No, I heard Yes, Yes, Yes from WK. It really very refreshing and I am glad that Lord leads her back to fellowship with me. Afterall, long ago, Lord had shown me and WK that we both are into praying healing, just that each have our own role to play. Glory Glory! It surely a great blessing from the Lord to lead WK back to me. Hallelujah!

On Su end, she has been trusting Lord through listening to a lot of Pastor Prince sermon, so Lord is blessing her in her life and off seting the curse that came upon them for coming against me. Glory to Jesus! Amen Amen!

It took a long 9 months for Su to grow in her faith again that Lord is now please with her. Lord is a very Forgiving God for sure! Glory Glory! His Abundance of Grace and His Sure Mercy of David enable us all chances to come back to Him again and again. Thank You, Jesus! Hallelujah! Amen Amen!

After such a long walkout from my marriage to ex, finally, I could call it an end. This is the man that I never want to have in my life again. I never know a man that is used by the devil to bring so much curse into my life. He is definitely out for good! Hallelujah! Amen Amen!

2012 is a new walk for me and Jc. Lord for these 4 years have lead me and Jc to be at the low end of life that people around us, be it neighbours or closed relatives, looked at us with 'special' eyes. It is as if they earn much and studied better for better school results are causing them to flow in pride and see me and Jc as nothing. But Lord do this for a purpose.

Jc has surpass all expectation that she has yet to grow in maturity like most of the 10 years old should be. She is still into play and not much into study. I am still the stay at home mum doing my daily meditation.

This is the plan of Lord. Whatever I shared about His Glory, Lord let all see nothing for so long. All has given up hope, even Su that walked so closely with me also disbelieve in what I said. But Lord plan is not over yet. When all turn their backs, He could raise me up and Jc up to show His Glory! Surely, He will prosper us so much that people could say it is God! Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

No matter what Lord leads through, it's for a purpose. When the time is up, surely, His Glory Light will shine through and Him Glorified. Hallelujah! Amen Amen! I am glad that I am with Him for His Glory to shine. I do not take part in the Glory! I know it's all about Him and nothing about me. Surely Jc and me will be so highly rise up that no one can see any part of our past in us. I am looking for this to come to past, surely 2012, His Perfect governing of 12 shall works wonders. Glory Glory!

Abba Father, I have walked with You by Your Grace and let You bring the Glory of Jesus to past in me and Jc. Surely I in You are more than a conquerer and I have Your Righteousness of God with me and I will surely reign in life! Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

May you be blessed by the Good God in the coming 2012. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

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