Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Presence of the Lord

Ever since my Israel trip, I heard my tour leader, Sidney shared about he prays in the spirit a lot and Lord slim him down and greatly bless his business, he also goes for morning and evening prayer walk. Lord also wants me to start my prayer walk. I have been going around the pavement on the side of the road around this town.

This morning, as usual, Lord promises that he will stop the rain. I go out to pray. This time round, inner voice told me to pray along the running track around my development, I followed. As I walked near the path leading to the block of flat before to the exit, Lord told me that I could walk out, but to stay in this side of the road (usually I cross to the opposite side.) I saw a white van parked at the side of the road on the opposite side. This is unusual as even though there are occasion of a big truck or bus park there, usually mini van don't. I have unease feeling and my alertness was up. As I keep to this side of the road, the van finally drove off. Subsequently, Lord told me to cross the road for my prayer walk. Then he revealed the word 'kidnap' to me.

This is what he revealed when I meditated upon returning home:

'Abba would like to disclose to you: Adversary has sent a van to kidnap you. Abba knows of their plan. That is why I told you to go around your track and walk the inner circle of the road. They intend to drag you into the van when you walk pass. Abba prevented them from doing it. Hallelujah! I will lead you in each case. No worry, you shall not be harmed. Just like Terry Mize, no matter what threats, he always surfaced as winner. Glory Glory'

Praise the Lord!!!

The thing is, lately as attacks of body pain came upon me, as lead by Lord, I manifested Lord's hand to bind the spirit off Sf. He called the lady friend when his spirit was gone. So I get Lord to clear the lady friend and her source. This kidnapping as Lord revealed come from her frustration over the spirit gone. But Lord is always here with me. Praise the Lord for His Presence. It was just some easy steps, a slight variation of the walking path, and out of the danger. Lord's leading is easy and light. Hallelujah!

Some might wonder what happen to my husband case. Here is the update:

Lead by Lord, I did propose divorce to him. He was shocked! We talked, he wants me compromise but not him. He said this is the social life he had before marrying me and he intend to keep it. Lord said he does not want to change for this marriage. But he cares about my emotional stability. He cares about where I am going to live. He cares how I am going to support the house and the daily expenditure. He did not counter the proposed $3k maintenance. I was touched by his caring so much for me about my life after divorce.

Lord revealed that he is not going to change. Not time to change him too. Lord said He could change him, but his buddy, the devil in reincarnation, is with him daily. He is going to put back to hubby whatever Lord removed. So no point doing it as now.

Lord has planted some sickness seed in this buddy. When he is sick and weak, surely he can't work and have to leave the company. My hubby will be free from his influence by then. Lord then could change his heart just as he changed Su's husband heart to love her very much.
At the meantime, Lord is renewing and changing my body, to the body that hubby loves. In fact he is doing an overhaul over the whole of me. This is Lord's solution to my marriage.

But he did not force it on me. He gave me 2 choices. This is because, the current hubby is not one I would marry in the first place, Lord told me, if I want to give up on him, I could. He will surely bless a godly man to love me and my girls (including the unborn one).

Abba father is such a dear, he is so good and so considerate. With his mighty power, he could do all things. Just that he looks for the most effective time. He sees the past and into the future! He knows what is happening and what is going to happen. He plans for the BEST time for the deliverance to be permanent and good. We just have to be patience for him to work the way out for us! Abba father, you are the father that I will not trade away! I love you so much because you love me so much that you sent Lord Jesus to the cross so that I could receive all Your GRACE, MERCY and Favour in time of need. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

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