Friday, April 12, 2013

The Glory that Shines

Walking with Jesus for so long, it's like people around me are getting lesser and lesser till I am alone with Christ!!!

That is how lonely to be up there with Him and Him alone. He is the Only Comforter and He is the Only Saviour! He is the Only Redeemer and He is the Only Provider!!!

So many has been friendly because of the blessing that is going to pour on me but as the time taken exceed their patience, one by one turned disbelieve....such to an extent that I am the only one holding on and clinging on.

Ex, devil lured him away with girls and now Jc, he lured her away with boys. I am speechless!!! Only comfort is Lord got me ready for this from her number of times wanting her daddy and his girlfriend and don't want me. This the only comfort that I am not hurt by it.

I trust in the Lord and all I do is to listen to His Words and obey His Command. Other areas, as He leads me I flow, even to my disadvantages. Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

He and He alone is who I am pressing on and holding on to His Promise! He who Promise Father Abraham is Faithful!!! I know He is and I am not going to waiver by His Grace and Mercy!!!

No matter how devil tried to give me trouble, Lord is my Prince of Shalom and in Him, I am peaceful and calm. Glory to all that He is!!! Amen Amen!!!!

The time of manifestation is so close that there are many temptations for me. It's a matter if I want to move by my own or if I want to remain with the Lord. The pleasure of the world or the narrow path with Christ Jesus. This is my temptation and yet, I know, Lord is the Only Answer!!! Glory Glory!!! Many time, even I am tempted, but there wasn't a push on inside me and I stopped right there!!! Glory to His Grace and Mercy!!! Hallelujah!!! Amen Amen!!!

The time is near and from what I am going through and from all the temptations, I know His Return is near! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

From He is rising me to walk that 1500years, I know where in revelation His Movement should be. Surely, when He rise up, devil is going to fall into the lake of fire in abundance!!! This is what I see in the near future!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

The life He is leading me, even myself also don't know if this is normal or not. But one thing for sure, this is super normal!!! Out of this world expectation!!!

As the time is getting nearer and nearer, I am patiently waiting for the manifestation. Personally, I am nothing, no even worth turning back to look at! But through Him, that's where the Glory of Him shines! Hallelujah!!! Amen Amen!!!

This is, as the silence of the night, where things are quiet and peace prevails, where the angels sings and where joy in the Lord is in abundance.

The world is in its uncertainty, power trying to cling on to what they think is it should be, but Only Jesus is the Answer! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

The time will come, where celebration is happening, where the birds will start to sing!!! The new born King, the King of Glory will be here again and His Glory will shines! Darkness will try to hide but their days are numbered!!! The Glory will shine forth and no area of darkness could prevail.

The King of Glory will be here and it will mean an end to all suffering. It will be Jubilee!!! Jubilee!!! Restoration will happen in abundant and every one face will be glad!!!

Coming is the King of Peace and all men will be glad!!! Hallelujah Hallelujah!!! Amen Amen!!!

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