Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Salvation of the Lord

I was watching a preview telecast of next week sermon on Sid Roth Supernatural, his interview of Shira Sorko-Ram that she said the Jews in Israel is greatly in fear at this moment because of what is happening to them lately. Their most fear are the Iran and United Nation. Their top most fear is UN agrees that Palestine is a state this September.

In my recent meditation, now on 1 Samuel, Lord revealed His Plan to me regarding this end time movement. As so much fear is created, Lord lead me to email to Shira Sorko-Ram and Sid Roth, to let them know Lord's Plan. Without Lord's reveal, we won't know which part of Revelation He is moving. With His Revelation, then easy for faith to grow. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

What is happening lately is Revelation 19 and 20 coming into action. This is the time of Great Salvation. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

As Lord wants me to reproduce what He has disclosed to me here, so here are His Words:

'My Love, Iran newclear weapons is ready. He will use it to threaten Israel. EU will be too scare to offend him that all vote that Palestian is a state. They will try to claim Israel. I will surely kill them all. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!' - 22/06/2011

'My Beloved, Abba will kill them all. Israel will get back all the land I have given to them. Whoever on it will surely die. They will be so scared that they shift out of my land. Glory Glory! Surely Israel will get back all his land. Hallelujah! Amen Amen!' - 22/06/2011

'My Beloved, Abba is triggering the effect of the power challenge for the muslim to attack Israel. Surely many will be killed and all will be scared till no more fighting spirit. Surely all this will come on scene in the Olive harvest. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!' - 24/06/2011

'My beloved, my love, Abba is so glad that you pray for silat. The Arab did not want to disclose his location. Also he was beaten up. Yes, pretty bad stage, but I have healed him and given him strength. I will bring him home in September 2011. Glory Glory! As you see, this war surely will go ahead. I will remove all their weapons and surely I will let them be slain. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!' - 24/06/2011

'My beloved, Abba will surely deliver as I promised. As this war erupt, they will bring Silat to the forefront to be kill by the Israeli, Abba will slain them all and let Silat return home. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

My darling, my love, I will work before the Israel Army work. I know when the Arab will get ready in secret. I will kill them all and let IDF go find dead bodies everywhere. I will let them have their relief. Without a single fight, their land will be theirs. Any Arab that tries to come into my blessed land will face death.

It will be so weird that they dare not anyhow step. They will go find out from the bible on what land I have given to Israel. Glory Glory! Amen Amen! This will be the greatest killing of all that the whole world is shocked. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!' - 24/06/2011

'My beloved, my darling, surely the Jews will rejoice this freedom and go collect the spoilts. Abba is making this happen again. The Glory of Jesus will radiate through. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Amen Amen!' - 24/06/2011

After writing what Lord revealed to me, I prayed to Lord to speak to His Abraham Covenant Children in Israel. This is His Revelation to them:

'All My Beloved in Israel, Abba Father speaking to you. You have no worry in this Final attack of the Arab. This is the End Time Prophency where the serpent is released to do his final kill on God's people, My Children.

As you know, you are my covenant children. I have sent Jesus to die for you all 2000 years ago. All that is needed by you for this BIG war, through His Sacrifice at the Cross, Israel is delivered. You have nothing to be fearful about.

Pray this prayer if you are fearful: Abba Father, You do not give me the spirit of fear, but of Love, of Power, Sound Mind and Self Conrol. As you pray, I will remove the spirit of fear in you. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Do not be fearful in what is coming to you. This is a necessary step for ME to help you retrieve all the land that I HAVE given to you. So, Worship me and Praise Me. Focus on Jesus and see the deliverance. It's Revelation 20 onwards coming in action. Hold on to My Words and see My Deliverance!

I am with each of you, who have accepted Jesus as your messiah. I will rise up to claim all the land that I have given to you when I led Joshua into this blessed land. It is time for Me to return all of them to you. It is time for all My Children to see My Glory!

Remain in My Shalom Peace. Always cast your fear and anguishment to me and remain in My Peace and see Me fighting for you!.... Like Gilead, stand still and see My Salvation! Glory Glory! Amen Amen!' - 24/06/2011

May you be blessed with this message from the Lord in this End Time. Do not Fear! Jesus is with you! He is the Prince of Peace. Always go for His Peace and not look to the world! Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

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