Friday, June 24, 2011

Nation Building of God's People

I was on my face book, when I saw Sid Roth has posted new talks in his website. As I watching to Shira Sorko-Ram and listened to the radio interview too, Lord give me an impression to search goggle for her. This is what I usually do after watching Sid Roth weekly man of God.

As I watched her on youtube, I was lead to see Messiahic Jews being no voice in Israel. I also get to see the video on God's Miracle on the Israel various wars where Lord helped them supernaturally.

All these years of growing, I always knows I am a Chinese and my country is Singapore. But as I get closer and closer to Lord, He revealed my ancestor tree that I had Jews ancestor. No wonder my cousins don't look Chinese and no wonder my younger sis, Su, has very brownish eyes.

It is the wonder of Lord to lead my ancestor to go from Israel to China and to go down south to Choa Zao and then from there to Singapore. My grandparents were all from China but my parents were/are from Singapore. Glory to Jesus.

Sitting in the comfort of my home and to grow up with the national building of Singapore, life here was good previously. Now, even with the shaking in the various economies, the food source and even high cost from all greedy sources, Lord has blessed me comfort of life, even in this divorced life with wife maintenance cut down to 1/3 of it, life is still good. Glory to Jesus!

I am glad that Lord did not let my ancestor remained in Israel nor China. I am glad of all that Lord has planned for me. Glory Glory!

Lord used the Israelites to show His Grace, but as they could not, so He used them to show the impossible for us to follow His Law.

He planted me, a Chinese with Jews blood flowing inside me, but have no whatever Jewish practise, to walk by His Grace. In fact, He made me very anti-tradition. He then come through me to show His Goodness. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Somehow, even though I am far away from Israel and the Jews, I could feel for them. No wonder since younger days, I have a liking to Middle Eastern music and just have an attraction to that region. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Somehow, my taste of men is not Chinese, it's more from Northen India to the middle eastern kind, European is also my taste. I don't why I am wired such way, but from Lord's reveal, then no wonder. Glory Glory!

I am grateful for all that Lord has done to me and leading me up and letting me learnt new areas of trusting Him that no matter which child of God I talked to, even when Su talked to a pastor, none has this revelation that Lord blessed me.

Talking to those that are not close to Lord is even more worst, they look to me as if I am an alien! Haha...none could believe Lord could train me such way, but Perry Stone in his olive on the tress and olive that were crushed explained it. If Lord did not crush me through different tests, I would not have know Lord is so Mighty and Strong. It's through each setback but looking to Jesus deliverance and Lord faithfully delivered that His Glory shines through.

Abba Father, thank You for being so good to me. Hallelujah! As the world gets darker and darker, surely, Your Light will shine in Your Glory! Amen Amen!

PS: (25/06/2011) I was watching Sid Roth preview talk with Shira Sorko-Ram and felt that she and my ex-mother-in-law looked pretty much alike in their facial features. On checking with Lord, He said my Ex also have Jews blood in him. What a way Lord lead us both together. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

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